Does He Know (Everlasting Ink #1) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Forbidden, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Everlasting Ink Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 98736 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 494(@200wpm)___ 395(@250wpm)___ 329(@300wpm)

I stand staring after him with a huge grin on my face. He’s like a different man now that he’s decided not to fight this.

Today is definitely going to be a good day.

“So, how are we doing this?” Maddox asks. “Are we voting on paper? Raising our hands? How’s this going down, fearless leader?” He directs the question to me.

“I did my part of the job. I picked three and got them here. The rest is up to you.”

“I actually liked all three of them,” Lachlan speaks up. “It’s going to be hard to choose.”

“You already know that if I get to pick, I choose Drake.”

“Oh, is that because he’s handsome?” Legend asks, and Roman stiffens in his chair next to me.

Yeah, I managed to snag this spot again this evening for this meeting of the minds. “He’s practically engaged. Did you not hear him gushing about his girlfriend? He’s the most qualified and would take the least amount of training. I go back to school the week after next.”

Roman shifts in his seat, and I can’t help but turn to look at him. He looks surprised. I don’t know why. I told him I was leaving soon. Did he not realize how soon that date was approaching?

“They were all three good,” Legend chimes in.

“Who’s your second pick?” Roman asks me.

“Lyra. She has more of an outgoing, in-your-face kind of attitude. She can handle the clients who try to hit on her.” I glare at Roman and he winks at me in return. “Can I make a suggestion?”

“You know you can,” my brother answers.

“I think you should hire two people. I’ve been working the hours, and when I’m not here, you all do it for yourselves. Rarely do all five of you hold the same hours, and the shop is open six days a week. Your schedules are packed. You could benefit from having someone here all the time.”

All eyes are on me, but no one speaks up, so I keep going.

“Drake will be easy to train. He’s been in this exact position at a shop that has a great reputation. He can take over training Lyra, who, in my opinion, will pick up just as quickly. I say you hire them both, and split the hours. That way, there is always someone here during hours of operation to man the desk, answer the phone, and greet the groupies.” I stick my tongue out, and they all laugh.

“That’s actually a really good fucking idea,” Lachlan agrees. “I admit having you here this summer has spoiled me. I don’t want to have to go back to doing without. The times you’re not here and I have to do it, well, it sucks hairy donkey balls if I’m being honest.”

“What exactly does sucking hairy donkey balls taste like?” Maddox asks him, barely containing his laughter.

“It tastes like dealing with the public. I want to do my job, not deal with the register and phone calls where I’m answering a million questions. And think about how much more productive we’ll be, and that’s more time with the gun in our hands.”

“The shop is doing well financially,” Forrest adds. “We can afford to do this, and you’re on to something with productivity. This is an expense that we didn’t want when we first opened, but our books are several weeks out. We can handle it now.”

“Of course you can. The five of you have built an empire. It’s something to be proud of. This little town of Ashby, Tennessee, has gained attention worldwide from some of your higher profile clients. This may be a small town, but you’re the big fish in this pond.”

“How long did you practice that speech in the mirror this morning, kid?” Forrest asks.

I ball up my napkin and toss it at him. “Ass,” I mutter.

“Okay, let’s get serious,” Roman speaks up. “All in favor of hiring two people, raise your hand.”

All six of us raise our hands.

“Raise your hand for Cleo,” I state. No one raises their hand. “Lyra?” All six of us cast our vote. “Drake?” Again, all six cast our vote. “It’s settled. I’ll call both candidates. Drake was asking for more, and I think with his experience, we should meet him in the middle.” We go on to discuss salary and easily enough, everyone agrees.

“Perfect. I’m going to get on this now.”

“You want me to stay?” Forrest asks.

“No. I’ll be fine.”

“I have a drawing I have to finish up for tomorrow. I’ll stay until she’s done,” Rome offers.

“You’re still pissed at him about this morning, aren’t you?” Legend laughs. “Dude, buy her some chocolate. Chicks dig that.”

“Stop.” I laugh, pushing at Legend’s shoulder. “I’m not mad. I don’t need any of you to stay with me. I have pepper spray, and I’m a big girl. I can handle closing up and walking to my car without the five of you hovering.”


