Dirty (RAW Family #2) Read Online Belle Aurora

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: RAW Family Series by Belle Aurora

Total pages in book: 145
Estimated words: 136731 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 684(@200wpm)___ 547(@250wpm)___ 456(@300wpm)


It feels amazing.

My head begins to float, and I feel my heart beating through my clit, my cheeks flushed with passion.

I seat myself farther, taking another inch, then one more, and then, with a light wince, my belly contracts painfully and I realize I can’t take anymore.

And it makes me sad.

“Oh,” I utter softly, disappointed.

Julius runs his hand up my bare thigh. “No rush. It’ll take some time.”

“Yeah,” I respond, running my nails over his belly.

With a gentle tug, he pulls me down to lie on his chest. His lips take mine in a warm, deep kiss and I reach up to cup his cheeks as he begins to rock into me with tender mercy.

His hands roam my body, running over my back to squeeze my nape then trailing over my ass and back again, finally resting on my hips as his thrusts increase.

I pant into his mouth, gasping when he touches a particularly sensitive spot inside of me, and when he works on hitting that spot over and over, my body trembles and shakes. My fists clench against him, my nails scratching at him.

It’s happening again.

I feel it coming this time.

But how? I’ve never had an orgasm twice so soon. It’s not right. Something’s wrong. Panting, I shake my head, and muse aloud, “No.”

Julius grips my hips tightly and drives a little deeper, his thick cock sliding in and out of my tight pussy. “Yes, baby. Yes.”

A bright light flashes behind my closed lids and, gritting my teeth together, I whimper and whine as the orgasm takes hold of me, pulsing pleasure from my toes to the very hairs on my head. When it finally passes, I fall limp against Julius, breathless.

His thrusts turn jerky, and with a low growl, his body turns rigid, his stomach tightens against me, and he grips my hips hard enough to bruise, his cock twitching inside me as he finds his release.

And when his breathing returns to normal, he reaches up to stroke my hair with lazy tenderness. My eyes droop heavily, and I let out a short yawn. Julius follows suit, and with his arms around me, naked and bared to him, I find sleep.

The best I’ve had in years.

“I need to make a phone call.”

Ethan Black glances up from his newspaper a short second before he goes back to reading, and he mutters, “What for? You don’t know anyone anymore. Everyone thinks you’re dead.”

“Not everyone,” I say quietly, from my place at his dining table, picking up the mug of hot, black coffee and sipping it in silence.

Black and I may never be friends, but I’m a man who understands what it would take for a guy like him to take in a guy like me. Ever since the capture of Egon Baris, I’ve been treated less like a criminal and more like a colleague. The day after the bust, we flew back to San Francisco. We stopped by the SFPD to have a powwow with the chief and then Black jerked his chin to me. “Grab your things.”

I didn’t ask questions. What was the point? It wasn’t like Black would give me a straight answer anyways.

When we arrived at the two-story house in the suburbs, I followed him inside, where he walked me down the long hall to an open doorway, waving his arm to guide me in. “This will be your room.” He pointed to the end of the hall. “Bathroom and shower are that way.” He glanced to the right. “Kitchen is over there. Help yourself. I’m not your maid, so you’ll have to wash your own clothes and make your own food.”

Saying thank you is the hardest for me, so I diverted attention by asking a question. “I thought you were married with kids?”

“I am,” he responded, before blinking at me. “You didn’t think I’d actually take you to my house, did you?” His lip twitched. “This is one of the FBIs many safe houses. You and I will be living here until the completion of our terms.” He sobered almost immediately. “There will be times when I’m going to have to leave you here alone. I don’t want to ask you if I can trust you not to disappear on me, because I’m not stupid enough to believe I can cage you—not anymore, anyway. All I ask is that if you decide to leave the house, wear your hood and keep your head down.” He placed his hands on his hips and turned fatherly on me. “And, for all that is holy, leave a fucking note.”

When he spun on his heel and turned, shaking his head, I walked into my room. It was decent. I’ve had worse, that’s for sure. It was simple, with a built-in closet, a chest of drawers and a queen-sized bed.

Yeah. I’d definitely had worse.


