Dirty Husband Read online Crystal Kaswell

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 90114 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 451(@200wpm)___ 360(@250wpm)___ 300(@300wpm)


"You can decide you're not ready for this. That you won't be with me. But don't tell me it's for my own good. I know what's good for me. I know what I want. I want to marry you. And I'm going to be ready, tomorrow. I'm going to be there." She places her hand next to mine. Just barely. Just enough our pinkies touch. "Don't make me wait too long."

Chapter Forty-Nine


I suppose with my insanity official, it's hard to describe my current mental state.

I'm in a tiny room backstage, pretending as if I'm contemplating my makeup, struggling to pace.

This dress is too snug. These heels are too high. My hair is pinned too tightly.

Everything is in place for the wedding. Everything except my groom.

It's a hell of a play. Under different circumstances, Shep would be proud. Nick would shake my hand. Lizzy would gush.

As it is…

Shep's status is still unknown. And everyone else believes the wedding is going on as normal.

Men are spoiled. They only need a clean suit and tie. Neat hair. Bam, they're ready.

It isn't the multi-hour extravaganza of bridal styling.

Has anyone ever worn this much makeup?

Mai watches me pace and shakes her head. "You had too much tea. You should have some champagne."

Maybe. I am shaking. But I don't want Shep to taste alcohol on my lips. Not after last night. Not ever. "I'm okay."

She shoots her sister one of those what a difficult child looks.

"Everyone is nervous on their wedding day." Quyen squeezes my hand. "You look beautiful. And you're doing the normal vows. All you need to do is walk and smile."

"Maybe." I struggle to walk to the other end of the room. I blame the soft carpet. Even if it is my cloudy thoughts.

This is bizarre. Three weeks ago, marrying Shep was the worst fate imaginable. Now, it's the only thing I want.

No, that isn't true. I want Dad to be okay. I want to practice my acting. I want to build a career.

But right now—

Where the hell is he?

I check my cell again. Nothing from Key or Lock. Nothing from Nick. Nothing at all.

No one knows where Shep is. If he's coming. If he's on his way to the Cayman Islands.

I tap out text after text. Erase every one.

Please come.

Don't make me wait.

I love you.

You made this stupid deal, don't be the one to renege.

You don't have to come. But talk to me. Tell me we can do this.

Let's go somewhere else. Somewhere small. Just me and you.



Mai pulls my phone from my hand. Turns it off. Slides it into her purse. "It's not the time for distractions."

"You do look beautiful." Quyen smiles. "Just like your mother."

"Older though," Mai says.

"Why point that out?"

"She is older."

"She's still young."

"Not that young. Only so much time for grandchildren."

"It's her wedding day! Let her enjoy it."

"You should—"

A knock interrupts them.

The officiant's voice. "It's time."

How can it be time? I don't know if he's here. What if he's not here?

I suck a shallow breath through my teeth. Struggle through my exhale.

The officiant pulls the door open. And there's my dad, in a clean black suit, smiling the world's widest smile.

"Jasmine," he says in Vietnamese. "You look even more beautiful than your mother did."

My heart melts immediately. "Yeah?"

"So much like her." He offers me his arm.

I hook mine with his. "Is he…" I can't ask if he's here. That gives too much away. "How does he look?"

Mai shoots him a zip it look.

For once, he listens to her. He steps back to allow Mai and Quyen to go forward. My bridal party. Walking with his.

But that must mean—

People wouldn't be walking if he wasn't—

The music wouldn't be playing if he wasn't—

Or maybe this is some elaborate prank. This whole thing was a ridiculous game. Can I truly make Jasmine beg?

Maybe Shep is the monster he claims to be.



"You're up, Miss Lee." The planner stresses the Miss as if to say remember this. It's the last time you'll use it.

I squeeze my dad's arm as I step forward.

Insane doesn't even begin to cover it. I'm completely and totally incapable of knowing my limits.

Why did I dare Shep?

Look what happened last time I dared him. He may not be stronger than I am, but he's a million times more stubborn. If he's sure about getting his way—

He won't be—

Is he—

Oh my God—

Dad pats my hand as we turn the corner.

And there he is.

Shepard. Standing at the end of the long aisle. Waiting with an expression of utter contentment.

So many people are here, but I don't see them.

I only see him.

I practically float down the fucking aisle.

He takes my hands and leans in close enough to whisper. "I'm sorry."

"Me too."

The officiant breaks us up. Says something about how we're too eager.

Shep squeezes my hand.

I mouth I love you.

He mouths me too.

It's not quite there. But, for now, it's more than enough.


