Dirty Flowers – The Lion and the Mouse Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 147
Estimated words: 148949 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 745(@200wpm)___ 596(@250wpm)___ 496(@300wpm)

“What do you think it all means?”

“For now, it would all be guesses, Emily.”

I unfolded my arms. “Guesses are better than nothing.”

She sighed. “I think the dolls could be different parts of you. Perhaps, your sewing on the buttons for eyes, could be your healing or that you end up seeing everything clearly.”

I shivered. “Four dolls? Are the dolls parts of me?”

“Emily, it does not mean you have more personalities, it could mean something else.”

“Like what?”

“That there are four things you need to fix.”

“And the candles and snakes, Baba? What about them?”

“The snakes worry me, but at least they are white. That could be purification. Yet. . .snakes. . .sometimes point to evil.”

I swallowed. “And the candles?”

“They are a good sign. Illumination. Enlightenment. However. . .”

I raised my eyebrows.

“The fact that one of the candles is black, makes me nervous. While the red could point to love or passion. The black is usually. . .”

“Death. Darkness.”

She nodded. “What I do, Emily is not a clear science. We all have the power to know our future.”

I shook my head. “I don’t.”

“Emily, you must look deeper inside of your heart. You have more power than you understand.”

“I barely know myself.”

“You know it all. You are just. . .afraid to deal with it.”

“I know nothing.”

“The memories are inside of you.”

“Then, why can’t I remember it all?”

“Because you are too scared to deal with it.” More tears left her eyes. She let out an exasperated breath. “Just always remember that I love you so much.”

My heart warmed. “I love you too, Baba.”

She wiped her tears away. “Kazimir and you need more friends. New ones. Old ones.”

“I’m terrified to have new people around us.”

“No, Emily. You’re forcing Kazimir to make friends and trust new people. That is why the Brotherhood is stronger than ever.”

With all the chaos that had happened, I did feel like we were truly stronger.

“Emily, do not lose the part of you that cares about others.”

“I will try not to.”

“Also, I must show you how to increase your power of intuition.”

My nerves flared. “You don’t need to teach me because you will always be around.”

“You know that is not true, Emily. One day I will not be here just like Olga and the others.”

My bottom lip quivered. “Not just like Olga.”

Baba nodded. “Regardless. . .intuition is a natural gift that we all possess, whether we realize it or not. It is a gut feeling or inner sense that guides us in our decision-making and helps us navigate the world around us.”

“But, what you do is magic.”

“Intuition is not a magical power or a mysterious force—it is a natural part of our human experience.”

“You see things—”

“But, only because my eyes are wide open and looking for it.” She pointed to me. “As we get ready for New Orleans and even while we are there, I will teach you how to increase your intuition. Will you let me?”



A soft whimper came from the crib.

Baba smiled. “Emilio smells his mother.”

Another soft whimper left him as I rose from the floor.

Baba turned her gaze to the crib and then looked down at Paolo. “These two will be brothers. They will fight like brothers too. But. . .in the end, they will remember the love that you teach them.”

“I hope you’re right, Baba.” I headed over to Emilio.

“You are important to them, and you are even more important to Kazimir.”

I won’t let myself forget.

Chapter 18



Tonight, I had to be the Lion.

Olga’s face flashed in my head.

An enormous amount of pain and guilt washed over me.

I pushed it away and thickened the wall around my heart and soul.

There is no time for sadness. Not with this new threat.

I took in the space.

My casino room bustled with activity. Players sat around the tables, betting money on Durak and smoking cigars. Each player had an ashtray in front of them.

Many shouted and hooted their bets.

Waiters hurried around with platters of tasty delights. My men stuffed their faces and laughed with each other.

Music blasted from hidden speakers. It was mainly 90’s Russian gangster music—bandit rap.

The current song had a dark and heavy booming bass. The rapper spoke gritty, aggressive lyrics about how he was going to put his enemy’s mother in the trunk of his car and drive away with plans to commit further violence to her.

The song echoed through me like a razor-sharp dagger, slicing my emotions into a million separate pieces. I felt disconnected from the world around me, as if nothing in life mattered anymore. The numbness consumed me, leaving no trace of pleasure or joy—only an abyss of emptiness and despair.

I need my mouse.

Emily was an integral part of my very being. My lifeline. But right now, I had to be strong for the both of us.

A waiter came by and filled my glass of vodka.

I nodded at him.


