Dirty Aristocrat Read Online Georgia Le Carre Free Book

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Crime, Drama, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 81922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 410(@200wpm)___ 328(@250wpm)___ 273(@300wpm)

Tawny Maxwell

My head was buzzing as intense pleasure radiated from my core and rolled into every part of my body. A massive climax like I had never experienced was ripping right through me. I had to

grasp Ivan’s shoulder to prevent myself from falling over. I screamed incoherently and exploded while he carried on slobbering all over my sex as if it was chocolate or ice cream.

His greed was obscene and filthy and wonderful.

My muscles were still convulsing and throbbing when he stood up. Hauling me into his arms he carried me to the bed and threw me on it. Bending over me he opened my legs wide and pushed a

long, thick finger inside my swollen, pulsating sex.

My body arched. ‘Oh God,’ I gasped, clenching his finger.

‘That’s right. Call to your maker. You’re going to fucking need him tonight,’ he growled.

He pulled his finger out and with a slow smile brought it up to my face. He stroked my lips until I opened my mouth a little. Immediately his finger slid inside and I tasted myself.

‘Suck it,’ he ordered, and pushed his finger deeper into my mouth. As soon as I obeyed he smiled again, removed his finger, and plunged it back into my sex.

‘Ahhhh,’ I cried out.

Watching me intently he began to thrust that finger. In. Out. In. Out. All the while watching me moan.

‘I know,’ he said soothingly, ‘but I need you to be very, very wet tonight so you can take all of me.’

Then he took the finger out and once more brought it close to my lips. I opened my mouth to take it in, but he put that finger into his mouth instead and sucked it hard.

Wow! That was so hot.

His mouth fused with mine and I kissed him back greedily. Kissing him was like being in the eye of a tornado. Time stills. You lose a part of your soul. By the time he removed his mouth

I was a boneless mess. He licked, nibbled and sucked my jaw, my throat, my shoulder. He used his teeth to snap the little white spaghetti strap. He pushed the silk down and exposed one


‘Look at that. Full, round and just begging to be sucked,’ he whispered and drew my sensitive, aching nipple into his mouth.

I grabbed his head in my hands and, arching my back, tried to push more of my breast into the warm wet cave. He responded by sucking harder. I welcomed the painful pleasure of his lips.

Jolts of electric sensations went from his mouth to my groin. I felt my nipple swell and become a hard little stone in his mouth. His tongue swirled around the hard nub.

He lifted his head. ‘You’re so beautiful,’ he breathed, looking down at me.

I was suddenly aware of my disheveled state. One breast exposed, the baby doll torn and crumpled around my waist, my legs askew, my sex swollen and dribbling.

‘The other nipple,’ I urged, my voice urgent and shameless.

His eyes glittered triumphantly at my brazen need. With a dark laugh he grasped the neckline of my baby doll and viciously ripped it down the middle. I lay before him, on display, every

inch of me offered up to his eyes and his touch. He swooped down, engulfed the other nipple, and sucked it until I was writhing with pleasure.

He stood up and, feasting his eyes on me, began to undress. I watched wide-eyed as he flung his shirt and roughly yanked down his trousers. Hot damn! The man was right beautiful. My eyes

flew to his cock, jutting aggressively out through the waistband of his white underpants.

I watched him yank the thin material down his muscular legs, and for the first time in my life I saw a real life erect cock at such a close distance. It was enormous and beautiful with

thick veins twisting up it like dancing snakes. Amazing how it bounced back like an angry rubber thing. It had. Taking my hands, he guided them to his throbbing, jerking flesh.

His big, beautiful cock was lightly clasped between my palms. My heart was beating hard and I could hear the blood rushing in my ears. I touched the tip with its bead of liquid pearl,

and looked up at him in wonder. He seemed unrecognizable, his face tense and foreign.

‘I wanted to see my cock inside your mouth from the first moment I saw you.’

I lifted my head off the bed and, rising to my elbows, set my mouth on the short journey to the head of his cock. On the way there I breathed in the smell of him and it made me almost

dizzy. Musk. Faint. Then I was there, and his hot, satiny-soft skin brushed my lips. Looking up at him, I took him between my lips, my mouth stretching to accommodate his girth.


