Diamonds and Dust – Lonesome Point Texas Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 64880 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 324(@200wpm)___ 260(@250wpm)___ 216(@300wpm)

Tulsi kissed Clem goodbye, promised Dad she’d be safe, and stood waving as the truck pulled down the drive. As soon as the truck was out of sight, she turned and hurried back to the party, but she didn’t make it past the corner of the house before Pike grabbed her and pulled her into the bushes.

They were still making out like they were kids again when Tulsi heard the sirens coming from the direction of town, but she didn’t think anything of them. She was focused on wonderful things and the bliss she found in Pike’s arms. It wasn’t until she heard Mia calling her name in a terrified voice that Tulsi’s skin went cold and the sound of the sirens filling the air took on a chilling meaning.

“Clementine,” Tulsi muttered, pulling out of Pike’s arms and dashing from the bushes, heading for the sound of Mia’s voice. She found her best friend running up the rise away from the tent, her cell phone clutched in her hand and tears streaming down her pale face.



“What is it? What is it?” Tulsi gripped Mia’s shoulders and held on tight, not knowing if she was supporting Mia or the other way around.

“My uncle just called,” Mia said, pain and fear mixing in her eyes. “There’s been an accident. Two kids were drag racing on the highway. One of them hit your dad’s truck head on and Clementine’s air bag exploded.”

“But she’s okay.” Tulsi gripped Mia tighter, her heart slamming in her chest. “Clem’s okay!”

“I don’t know,” Mia sobbed. “They said she was hit with shrapnel from the air bag and maybe the other car. She’s bleeding really bad so they’re taking her straight to the hospital. Sawyer’s getting the truck; we can go right now.”

“No,” Tulsi moaned, rage and terror rocketing through her, making it feel like the ground was tilting beneath her feet. “She’s going to be okay. She has to be okay. She has to!”

“I’ve got you.” Pike appeared behind her, propping her up as her knees buckled. “Come on. We can all fit in the truck. She’s going to be fine. Let’s get there as fast as we can and let her know she’s not alone. She’s going to need her mama.”

Tulsi fought to catch her breath and firm up her legs. Pike was right. Clem needed her. She couldn’t fall apart. She had to get to the hospital and get Clem’s hand in hers and then everything was going to be okay. She couldn’t let herself imagine any other outcome or fathom a world without her baby girl in it. Clem was everything, the best part of her and the biggest piece of her heart.

There was nothing she wouldn’t do to keep her child alive.

When they arrived at the hospital, the Emergency Room nurse met them in the waiting room to explain that Clem was in surgery to remove the shrapnel that had pierced her chest, but that the tiny Lonesome Point hospital was low on blood.

“We’re asking any family members who are a match to donate right away,” the woman with the tired eyes and black hair pulled back in a tight ponytail explained. “Just in case Clementine needs a transfusion. Do you know if you or the father are O positive?”

“I’m A negative,” Tulsi said, not hesitating for a second to do what she had to do. “But Pike is Clementine’s father and he’s O positive. Her Aunt Mia might be too, but I don’t know for sure.”

She felt shock ripple through the people behind her and Mia made a sound like she’d taken a sucker punch to the gut, but Tulsi didn’t waste time trying to explain.

“Can I go to her?” Tulsi asked the nurse. “Maybe if she just saw me in the room, or outside the window, it would help.”

“I’m sorry,” the nurse said sympathetically. “They put her under and no one but the operating team is allowed in the room. They’re taking it slow to make sure they keep her stable while they get all the shrapnel and debris out of her body.” She glanced at her watch. “It’s going to be at least another two hours until she’s out of surgery and then we’ll have to monitor her in recovery to see how she’s responding to coming out of the anesthesia. But as soon as she’s awake and stable, we’ll make sure you’re the first person she sees. The best thing we can do now is get a blood donation from Dad and anyone else who’s a match and go from there.”

Tulsi turned, flinching as she met Pike’s stunned gaze.

“Go with her please,” Tulsi whispered, motioning toward the nurse. “Help our daughter and I swear I’ll explain why I kept it a secret. Just…help her.” Tulsi fought to keep her face from crumpling. “Please, help her.”


