Devil – The Marchesi Family Read online Silvia Violet

Categories Genre: Angst, Crime, Dark, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73989 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 370(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

“If you’re willing to compromise yourself for the Marchesis, why not for me?”

Swain paused and took several slow sips of his water. My mouth seemed drier than ever as I watched him. I knew the dryness was partly from whatever they’d given me to knock me out, but that didn’t change the fact that I was thirsty as fuck.

I watched as he picked up a large burger and took a bite. “It’s delicious in case you’re wondering. You could be joining me if you decide to be cooperative.”

“What are my other options?”

“Ah. I knew you could speak.” He took another bite before continuing. “You have two options. Give me any information I need and take care of police business for me, or I’ll torture and kill you.”

I started to speak, but Swain raised a hand and silenced me.

“Don’t say anything rash. I’m going to give you some time to think it over. Several more hours in here to think about all the advantages you could have if you worked for me.” He drained the rest of the bottle of water and crumpled it. “Like water.” He ate more of his burger. “And food. Someone to take care of that wrist. A chance to live out the rest of your life.”

Whether any of the rest of what he said was true, I knew the last part was a lie. No one ever lasted long working for a man like him.

I watched as he silently finished his meal and the second bottle of water. He left the empty box and the empty water bottles sitting on the desk when he stood and stepped close to me. I shuddered as he ran his fingers along the side of my face. He grabbed my chin. I wanted to pull away, but I knew that would hurt, and I was in no condition to fight him with my restraints and my injuries.

“I think I’d enjoy breaking you. If Marchesi has kept you around this long, you must know how to entertain a man, though I’ve always heard he liked quantity over quality. Still, if you don’t comply, I think I’ll play with you for a while before I kill you. I doubt Marchesi likes inflicting pain as much as I do. I would enjoy seeing how much you can take before you beg me to put you out of your misery just as much as I’d enjoy using you to bring the Marchesis and their allies down. Either way I win. You just have to decide how much you’re willing to lose.”

After he left, the combination of his sickeningly sweet cologne, the smell of the burger and fries he’d eaten, and my revulsion made me sure I would vomit again.

I had to sit very still for a while before I got my stomach under control. Then, gritting my teeth against the pain in my wrists, I arranged myself so I could work the zip tie against the scissors.



Lucien, Angelo, and I met Giorgio at our downtown office. His boss, X, joined us by phone. I wanted to ask Giorgio how much he really knew about the man. I didn’t like working with someone who wouldn’t meet face-to-face, but I knew Giorgio trusted him with his life. That would have to be good enough. We needed all the help we could get, and X had information on everyone, things even our best informants would never be able to find out. When he wanted something done, it happened.

“Lucien, it’s been a while since we’ve spoken,” X said when Lucien answered his call.

“It has. I hope you’re well.”

“I am, thank you. I hear you’re all settled down and happy.”

Of course he knew about Peter.

“I’m very happy. Thank you.”

“And Angelo, things seem to be going well with the bakery. I’m sure you’re proud of Cameron.”

“Yes, sir. Very much.”

X’s voice was soft, and he was being polite, but I knew he wanted us to be aware he’d been watching us. I didn’t want to play his games, but I needed him to tell us what he knew that might help us find Joe.

“Devil, I understand you’ve gotten yourself into an interesting situation.”

“Detective Daniels and I have helped each other several times. I feel responsible for him being taken captive.”

“How much do you know about the men Murphy was working for?” I was glad X didn’t push me. I wasn’t in the mood to be taunted about my relationship with Joe.

“I know from Joe’s investigations that they’re connected to the trafficking ring Mario Ricci was part of.”

“That’s true. I’ve been following them as they’ve grown in power over the last year.”

“We thought they were in hiding.”

“They weren’t conducting business, but Swain’s been busy making alliances.”

I was fucking furious that we’d missed that. “And now they’re back?”

“Yes, and they know who was responsible for Murphy’s death.”


