Devil in a Suit Read Online Sarah J. Brooks

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 81252 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 406(@200wpm)___ 325(@250wpm)___ 271(@300wpm)

Sara was probably trying to kiss up to Tyler, scoring herself some points as he wondered what the hell happened to me. She got what she wanted. She had no competition, and Tyler was right in her sights. It sickened me that she could get whatever she wanted so easily. I wished that I could’ve fought her, but I had nothing to blackmail her with. I didn’t even want to stoop down to that level with her. I wanted to be better than her, but she stripped away all of my opportunities to do so. I had no drive anymore. My passion was faint, fading away. She won.

Now, I sat in the library all by myself, searching for internship opportunities for next semester. I didn’t even care what I landed at this point. No other internship would be as valuable as the one that I just lost. I learned so much under Tyler and Brittany. They opened my mind up to the world of business in a way that my classes could never do. I was so grateful to them, and I felt so terrible about leaving them without any warning.

Brittany emailed me asking me if there was anything that she could do to change my mind, that they missed me at the company. It was heartbreaking reading that email. However, what broke me the most was the messages that I received from Tyler.

He was so confused, so upset. He was convinced that he had done something wrong to make me do what I did. In reality, he hadn’t done a single thing wrong. He cared for me and supported me. I still didn’t know how he would react to me being pregnant with his baby, but I knew that we would figure something out. After the heartbroken texts that I saw, I didn’t think that he would just leave me.

I took a test the day that I realized that I missed my period. It was positive as I expected it to be. I went ahead and made an appointment for next week to check on the baby. I hoped that it was doing alright. All of my stress probably wasn’t doing it any favors, but my life was hell right now. It would be hell for a while.

It was hard to see my way out of this dark haze. Sara had me backed into a corner, and I had no idea when I would be able to take a step forward. Eventually, I had to talk to Tyler, but it would have to be later when Sara had graduated and moved on with her perfect little life. She would be so happy and successful that I would just be a speck on her radar. She would meet some other billionaire or CEO to sweep her off her feet and spoil her. I couldn’t wait for that day, but she was stuck on Tyler for now.

I tried to find the silver lining in all of this, but I had yet to find it. Everything was ruined, and there was no way to fix the damage. I just had to move on and try to find another path to happiness. I didn’t know when that would happen, but it certainly wouldn’t be anytime soon.

I scrolled through internship opportunities on my laptop, hiding in a little corner at the back of the library away from everyone else. No internships caught my eye. Google could’ve reached out to me, and I wouldn’t be all that excited. My internship at Ashland Consulting had been a dream internship. It led me to Tyler and other amazing people like Brittany. I wouldn’t have been as happy anywhere else. I just wished that things had stayed good.

I was about to give up on my search for the day when I suddenly received an email from my internship advisor. I opened the email.


I have been contacted by Mr. Ashland, who explained the situation behind your decision to abruptly drop your internship. I’m deeply sorry for the pressure that you faced from the other intern at the company that brought you to your decision to quit. I’m happy to share with you that the other intern has been removed from their position and will face additional consequences on top of that. Mr. Ashland insists that you continue your internship, and it will be added back to your schedule without any hindrance on your upcoming graduation.

I couldn’t count how many times I read over that email, hardly able to process what just happened. I had my internship back, and Sara had been punished. What did Tyler do? How did he find out what happened? Questions filled my mind to the brim as I typed an email back to my advisor to thank her. If Tyler had taken care of the situation, maybe it was safe for me to go back.


