Deviant Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 44212 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 221(@200wpm)___ 177(@250wpm)___ 147(@300wpm)

But for the first time I find myself wondering, and he wasn’t making it easy. Everything about him was a ten. His looks, the way he dressed, even his scent was intoxicating. And I didn’t get any of the usual creeper vibes I can usually sniff out when some asshole male tries to hit on me.

“I’m Damien, and you are?” He held out his hand with another one of those disarming smiles and mine shook just a little as I reached out to take it. “Ava…” I had to clear my throat that had suddenly become clogged. You’d think I’ve never been approached by a man before. “Ava Aldridge.”

I couldn’t look away from his eyes and when he blinked, releasing me from their strange hold, my eyes just dropped to his dimples. He didn’t look like he should have dimples. There was something hard about him just beneath the surface. At least that’s the wayward thought my mind had out of nowhere.

“I’m guessing you go to school here?”

“Yes and you, did you just move to town? I don’t recall seeing you before.” He nodded his head as I got to my feet.

“Yes, I’m new here, just moved back stateside after years abroad and had business in the area.”

We exchanged small talk as we both made our way to the receptacle to get rid of our empty cups. I almost didn’t want to leave him and had it not been for the class I had looming I would probably have found some excuse to stay in his presence.

And that’s how I found myself accepting a date, well sorta. We just made plans to meet here again the next day. I easily rearranged my plans in my head. One more day won’t hurt, and besides, dad wouldn’t mind.

* * *

I went through the rest of the day walking on a cloud, feeling a sense of excitement that I never felt before. I found myself fielding questions all day from friends who wondered at the secretive little smile that sometimes appeared on my face.

I wasn’t quite ready to share so I brushed them off with the excuse of looking forward to the summer break. Something they readily accepted since they were all feeling the same. They could have no idea that my summer had just begun to look brighter. Even the planned trip to Europe now paled in the face of the pending date.



* * *

I’d come up with the idea after our meeting in the coffee shop. Instead of the grab I was planning, I’d decided on a more humane approach, though it’s hard to say which is less diabolical.

The end game was still the same, my plans haven’t changed that much. But I find I no longer have the heart to carry out my deviant plans. Something I’m going to have to give some serous thought to when I have the time.

Right now I’m pressed though. And changing shit up like this at the last minute is going to pose some problems, but it can’t be helped. I’m still human after all.

It could be that I’m just postponing the inevitable. There’s no doubt she’s going to learn what’s really going on before long. And a softer approach won’t make what I’m about to do any less fucked up.

“Listen up, there’s been a change of plans.” My two shadows looked up when I walked into the room. I didn’t miss the look that passed between the two of them. No doubt they’d noticed the change in me these last few days and have been gossiping about it behind my back.

I filled them in on what I planned to do going forward and they had the good sense as usual, not to interfere in my shit. “So this thing might take a little longer than planned.”

“I’m still going to get shit done within the window of time I projected, I’m just going to go about this shit a bit different.”

“Are you sure she’s going to fall for it boss?”

I gave some thought to my man’s question and immediately remembered her reaction earlier when she saw me for the first time. My own prowess with women aside, I’d say I’ve already got my foot halfway in the door.

“Don’t worry about that, leave it to me.” They left me alone with my thoughts where I once again questioned my move. Was it more deviant to snatch a young girl off the streets and hold her hostage as payback for her dad’s deeds?

Or is my new approach of getting to know her and taking her to my bed a more sinister approach? It would’ve helped if my anger had cooled, but it hasn’t, not even a little bit. Too bad the little innocent is going to pay the price.

I have no doubt about what she saw this morning when she looked at me. It’s exactly what I wanted her to see. I can turn on the charm with the best of them. It’s left to see how she’s going to react to the man hidden behind the dimpled smile.


