Deviant (Iron Rogues MC #7) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Insta-Love, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Iron Rogues MC Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 26
Estimated words: 24615 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 123(@200wpm)___ 98(@250wpm)___ 82(@300wpm)

Only because he was off-limits, but I wasn’t about to share that part with him.

His very kissable lips curved into a panty-melting grin. “C’mon, gorgeous. You can’t tell me you don’t feel the pull between us.”

“I would never get involved with a married man.”

“Then it’s a damn good thing I’m not married because I plan to get very involved with you.” My lips parted in a gasp of surprise, but before I could reply, he added, “No girlfriend either.”

I wasn’t expecting that reply, but although relief coursed through my veins, I still couldn’t accept his invitation. “I…um…can’t date the parent of one of my students, either.”

“That’s not a problem, gorgeous.” His attention shifted to Cara. “Who am I, sweetie?”

“Unca Gray!” she shrieked, patting his bearded cheeks with her tiny palms.

My eyes widened as I gaped at him. “You’re her uncle, not her dad?”

He nodded. “Yup.”


“You got any other excuses you want to toss my way?” he asked.

“Nope.” I shook my head. “I guess there’s no reason I can’t go out with you tomorrow.”

His brows drew together. “No dinner tonight?”

“Sorry, we have a staff meeting after all the kids are picked up, and my boss is feeding us since we’re stuck staying late,” I explained, irritated that I already had plans when I’d like nothing more than to have dinner with Grady now that I knew there wasn’t anything standing in the way of us dating.

Cara wiggled in his arms, and he lifted her higher against his chest. “You free all day tomorrow?”


“Good.” He rubbed his chin against the top of Cara’s head. “I gotta get her out to the Jeep before she wiggles free, but I’ll call you to set up our date for tomorrow.”

As he turned toward the door, I asked, “How are you going to do that when I haven’t given you my number?”

He flashed me a smirk over his shoulder. “Don’t worry, gorgeous. Finding your number is the perfect chance to use some of my skills to impress you.”

I had a feeling his other skills were the ones I was going to like best. The thought of what those big hands of his could do to me made my cheeks fill with heat, making him chuckle. Luckily, he didn’t say anything else before he walked out the door, or else my blush would’ve deepened enough that I couldn’t explain it away as just being warm if one of my coworkers asked.

I was so focused on watching his butt as he walked away that I missed the leather vest on his back until a feminine voice drawled, “You know he’s an Iron Rogue, right?”

“Pardon?” I asked, whirling around to gawk at Britney. She was one of the teacher’s aides for a different class, and she’d never even bothered to say hello to me before now. She was close friends with Jessica, who was an aide in the same class as me. They took their lunch break at the same time and didn’t really talk to anyone else except our boss.

Cocking her hip, she arched a perfectly penciled brow. “That guy you were drooling over. He’s in the Iron Rogues MC.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

She rolled her eyes with a huff. “Are you for real? The Iron Rogues are the motorcycle club who runs Old Bridge. Didn’t you see the patch on his cut?”

“Cut?” I echoed, feeling even more confused by her answer.

“Yeah, the leather vest he wore announces to the world that he’s in the club.” She gave me a look of utter disdain. “And not just any member—he’s one of their enforcers.”

I still had no clue what she was talking about. My hometown didn’t have a biker club, not unless you counted the middle school kids who rode around causing trouble on their bicycles. “Um…okay.”

“Get ready to crash and burn on your date.” She shook her head with a laugh. “There’s no way a guy who earned himself Deviant as a road name will remain interested in you for more than five minutes.”

Britney hadn’t struck me as a girl’s girl, so I found it hard to believe that Britney was looking out for me. But that didn’t make it easy to shake off her warning. Not when Grady was clearly way out of my league. What had I been thinking to agree to go out with him for my very first date ever?




Hey there, gorgeous. This is Grady.


So I see since your name and picture are on my screen…

Igrinned. Yeah, instead of just finding her number and texting her, I’d hacked her phone and done some other shit. I wasn’t gonna tell her about all of it, though. Particularly the tracking bug I’d installed.


Warned you that I aimed to impress.


I’m not sure if I’m impressed or freaked out that you somehow got to my phone at work and entered your information without me knowing.


