Desolation Road – Torpedo Ink Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 158191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 791(@200wpm)___ 633(@250wpm)___ 527(@300wpm)

“Open my pants, kiska, and take out my cock. I want you to compare the length and girth with that plug.”

She turned back to him and did as he said, her fingers trembling. His cock was beautiful, even more so than she remembered. He had a wonderful taste, addictive. She didn’t know how he managed to taste so good when most men didn’t. He kept himself groomed so he didn’t have hair to get in her mouth. She loved his cock, but he was right, it was a great deal longer and thicker than the glass plug anchoring the gorgeous tail. She purred over his cock and bent to lick the soft, velvety head and the little drops leaking just for her.

He shook his head. “Naughty little kitten.” He flicked the ruby chandeliers, setting them swinging, sending fire racing straight to her sex. “Turn around and put your paws on the floor right now.”

She obeyed, excitement coursing through her. She loved that particular voice.

He rubbed her cheeks again with the oil, poured more and massaged her little star before he began to push the plug deep, a steady pressure that was much fuller and more uncomfortable than the first one had been. Then his thumb was working her clit and two fingers were curling inside her, stroking her sensitive nerve endings, and that sense of fullness mingled with the fiery oil became something altogether different.

“You like that, don’t you, kiska? You’re going to like my cock when I take your ass.”

She did like it. She was burning up. Right then, if he had wanted to, she would have let him take her in the ass, or her pussy, either one, she was that desperate. Every part of her body seemed to be on fire for him. Even her mouth. Her brain raged for him.

He kept massaging her cheeks and around to her breasts with more oil, before showing her the new collar. This one was thicker and stiffer. It said Absinthe’s kiska in fiery letters. He buckled it around her neck and attached the leash. The leash was thicker too but had the same sparkling gems.

He led her over to the bed, where the gifts were laid out. “There is a variety here. That particular tail is unique for a reason. Ice is an exhibitionist. I’m certain you know what that is. Storm, however, is a voyeur. He gets off on watching. Ice made the tail, so he gave me a remote to go with it. Feel what this can do to you on low.”

He switched it on and instantly the plug began to vibrate, sending little waves of delight right through that fiery wall of nerves. Scarlet thought she might die of insanity as her body coiled tight, but there was no relief. She hissed and rocked her hips. The tail switched madly in the air, throwing streaks of fiery red all over the walls. Absinthe laughed and ruffled her hair.

“We haven’t even gotten started. Look at all these wonderful gifts.” He opened the long box. “This is from Storm. He calls it the stormy weather. He had Mechanic make a few of them because he’s crazy, but they’re very cool. It’s his design.”

He lifted it out of the box and Scarlet gasped when she saw the dildo. It seemed large and thick and colored like a dark storm with streaks of lightning. When Absinthe turned it on, white streaks burst across it and with each one the thing jolted hard right through the vibrations. Absinthe smiled at her as he coated it with oil.

“Storm, of course, was hoping I’d bring my little kiska to one of the parties, stuffed full of his stormy weather and her beautiful tail so he could watch her as she strutted around or sat on her cushion with her little pussy and ass all ready to be fucked. Unfortunately for him, I get that privilege tonight all by myself.” He pushed two fingers into her and then began to slide the toy into her. “It isn’t as large as I am, so you can take it. It will hook to your harness so you won’t have to work too hard this time to keep it in, although it will be good for you to work those muscles.”

As the stormy weather intruded, her sensitive folds giving way, he turned it on low and it countered the vibration of the tail. There must have been a shuffle program on the remotes because the next thing she knew, the vibrations began to vary. She wanted to cry out. She could barely purr and then she’d mewl or hiss, digging her claws into the carpet.

“Just one more thing and then we’ll take a walk through the house. We can’t leave your beautiful ruby chandeliers on for too long. Preacher is our chemist. He makes the various lubes, which, by the way, are edible, although if you try too soon it can burn your mouth. He sent you a very, very special catnip.” He opened another box slowly. “If we ever go to a party and you’re sitting on your cushion and need reassurance, you’ll have this. Open your mouth.”


