Desolation Road – Torpedo Ink Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 158191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 791(@200wpm)___ 633(@250wpm)___ 527(@300wpm)

He dropped his hands to the waistband of her jeans while she was fumbling with his, trying to free his cock. He got hers open first. “Lift up, baby,” he mumbled, his mouth still over hers, desperate for her. She obeyed him and he shoved the jeans as far down as he could over her rounded ass. He knew those cheeks so well now. The size and shape of them. He’d shaved her little curls and left a landing strip. He left her mouth to kiss his way to her breasts, tugging with his teeth on her nipples, back and forth, then sucking.

She was barefoot, so he just shoved her jeans as far down as he could and then dragged them off of her, one leg at a time. He just needed his cock out enough to get to her. The sight of her laid out naked, sprawled under him, her skin red from his teeth, excited him. The door behind them opened and Ice waltzed in.

“Sorry, Scarlet,” Ice said, sounding more distracted than sorry. “I’m making you a present and I need to see your nipples really quick. Nice timing, if I do say so myself.” Ice came right up to the side of the bed and peered down at them, his eyes on Scarlet’s breasts. “Nice tits, woman. You have really great nipples.”

“Worst timing ever, get the fuck out of here,” Absinthe objected. Scarlet tensed under him, but he draped his body over hers and glared at his Torpedo Ink brother. “She isn’t a fuckin’ exhibitionist, Ice.”

“Yeah, I get that. I just needed some sizing. Sorry, honey, I’m really not into touching.” Ice lifted his hand and sauntered out.

Scarlet put her hand over her eyes. “I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I might not be able to ever look at him again.”

“When he’s naked and fucking his woman at the parties right in front of you it won’t matter,” Absinthe said gruffly, kissing his way down to her fiery curls. He licked his tongue across her clit and then her bare lips before dipping it deep. She was hot and slick. Evidently, Ice’s visit hadn’t cooled her need of him.

Before she could object, he caught first one leg and then the other and wrapped them around his waist, opening her body to his fully. Pressing the head of his cock into that wet heat, he looked into her green eyes and grinned. “Today’s our fuckin’ wedding day, ledi. You’ve made me the happiest man on the planet.”

Behind him the door opened again. Scarlet groaned. “Hurry. Just hurry.”

Absinthe rammed home. A tight fist of scorching-hot, wet silk closed around his cock. He ignored Preacher, who had walked in and was standing close to them. He just kept driving into her. With every hard thrust, her breasts jolted and swayed. She looked like a feast laid out in front of him.

“Absinthe, you drink the pineapple juice every morning I recommended to you? And take the special blend of powder I make up for you?”

Scarlet kept her eyes glued to his. Absinthe grunted his assent, never looking away from his woman’s eyes. So far, she hadn’t run screaming from him. His brothers weren’t helping. He knew what they were doing. It didn’t occur to them they were doing anything wrong. They didn’t view sex as anything private; in fact, they preferred to watch one another’s backs so they knew no one could hurt them or the ones they cared about.

“You allergic to anything, Scarlet?”

Scarlet moved with him, her body growing hotter and tighter, a fresh wash of liquid scorching his cock. She shook her head, her gaze never leaving Absinthe’s.

“Good, good.” Preacher wandered out.

Her breathing turned ragged. His turned labored. He caught her hands and slammed them to the mattress, rising above her for a better angle. Then she was crying out, her body clamping down around his, her orgasm taking him with her, his release blasting through him like a rocket.

“Oh, for God’s sake, Absinthe, you couldn’t wait a couple of hours? I need to get her ready for her wedding. You know, the entire spa treatment. Get out of here,” Lana snapped.

Absinthe groaned, collapsing over his woman, looking over his shoulder. Lana was draped artfully against the door, speedily texting on her phone.

“You’d better not be taking pictures of my ass,” he warned.

“I should be. That’s blackmail material right there,” she quipped. “Get off that girl, you lunatic. I’ve got to get her ready for her bridegroom. He used to be a gentleman.”

“He’s a gentleman.” Absinthe glared at her. He was still carefully shielding his woman, but mostly trying to recover enough to move.

“Not when he’s wearing out the bride on the day of her wedding and I presume he plans on wearing her out all night tonight as well.”


