Delicious – Daddies Know Best Read Online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Insta-Love, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 26645 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 133(@200wpm)___ 107(@250wpm)___ 89(@300wpm)

He grins, manspreading in the chair opposite mine across the desk, but I’m not in the mood.

“You want my advice, you’ll have the whole thing torn down and rebuilt from scratch. Cheaper in the long run.”

“Yeah, but you know me. I’m sentimental. Parts of the building need pulling down, sure, but it has character. It would be a shame to lose it.”

I shrug. “Your choice.”

“But it’s safe like that, right? The building won’t fall down if we just demolish the parts that are broken beyond repair?”

“My guys will check it after the demo. If there are any safety concerns, we’ll let you know. I know your feelings on that.”

Jackson is a good guy, despite being a pain in my ass right now. Normally, these sorts of details would be hashed out over the phone, or more likely by employees way further down the ladder than the two of us, but he happened to be in Detroit on other business, and truth, I think he might actually like me. Like a friend or something.

I have few enough of those, and I actually get along with him.

He’s based in New York, and one of his many companies just bought a new office building that’s been around since the forties. I can see the old-world charm in the place, but it’s in desperate need of renovation.

“We done?” I ask, going back to my phone, shaking as I type out another message.

Me: You back from the appointment with your aunt? I like to know you are back home safe.

Even as my fingers move over the keys, I wonder what sort of hold this girl has on me.

It’s something I’ve never felt. Not even close.

Sweat beads on my brow as I slide the phone to the center of the desk, holding my hands out like a surgeon checking for stability.

If I was performing brain surgery on someone, they’d be fucked.

Ironic that the one girl I’ve ever wanted more from than some quick pressure release seems to be the one girl that has zero interest in pursuing anything with me. Her answers to my messages over the last days have been polite but short.

Her lack of availability has only fueled my obsession with her.

From the second I saw her, I knew she’d been chased and objectified and lusted after until she’s become jaded in all things regarding the male species.

Are we dogs? Sure, a good portion. Me? I’ll admit, I have a reputation for it. So do most people at the top of this business. I’ve heard stories about my associates, Jackson included, and I’ve leaned into my canine side over the years, but even with my bravado in front of my brother and friends, it’s been a good year since I indulged.

I’m not sure what happened. I was pretty sure it was just a phase, but now that Andrea has taken over my brain and my dick, I’m wondering if the universe knew what was coming and needed me to clean up my shit before it delivered an angel into my lap.

The first time I heard her voice, it was like coming home. Like she’d been whispering in my ear and in my dreams for years, but I’d been deaf, dumb and blind until now.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, staring down at the screen of my phone.

“…so I thought maybe we could get together for a drink tonight, before I have to head down to Houston to hash out this other deal. What do you think?” I realize Jackson has been talking to me while I was texting, but I have no clue what he said, except meeting up for drinks.

He’s staring at me expectantly, but the only thing I care about in my life right now is my little Tootsie Pop.

I’ve never waited for a text message in my life. But since her? I’ve been glued to that fucking screen, feeling like my life hangs in the balance until I see those three little dots pop up, knowing her fingers are tapping out a reply. I hold my fucking breath until her words appear in that glorious little blue bubble.

I shake my head. “Sorry. You know how it is, work doesn’t sleep. Next time I’m in New York…”

“Sure.” Jackson shrugs as I stare at my screen, scrolling back over the messages from the last three days, pausing on a few that make my heart speed and my dick jump.

For the first time, it’s her well-being that lights me up, not just the burning desire to be inside her pussy. The force is strong there too, I can’t lie. My dick wants in there, and I already know the craving for her walls wrapping around me will never be quenched. But it’s deep down, what she’s awakened in me, that I’ve never felt before.


