Dear Stranger (Paper Cuts #3) Read Online Winter Renshaw

Categories Genre: Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Paper Cuts Series by Winter Renshaw

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 89820 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 449(@200wpm)___ 359(@250wpm)___ 299(@300wpm)

Pure, utter torture.

Months, maybe even years of it potentially.

A divorce this high-profile could drag out for ages.

“But… what does this have to do with future plans for the firm?” I ask, the idea of becoming partner suddenly feeling so far away when just this morning I was so sure it was in the bag.

“Yes. Thank you, Tenley. As I was saying before, we haven’t been able to make a final determination as to which one of you would make the best partner moving forward, so we’ve decided that whoever wows us on this case will get the partnership,” she states simply.

All those long hours. All that sacrifice. All those cases I opened a vein and bled my heart and soul out to win. They’ve all been for nothing.

It’s down to this case.

I look over at my competition, envisioning spending endless hours in his presence, and my gut lurches.

Lisa hands us each a file. “Go ahead, you two. Don’t be afraid to dazzle me.”

Dazzle her? Gentry here can dazzle anyone by merely strolling into a room.

Me? It’s not so simple.

I know I’m going to be sick as I take my folder and rise from my seat. Even so, I remember who I’m dealing with.

“Thank you, Lisa,” I tell her before turning to Brooks. “I look forward to the challenge.”

I head for the door, trying to ignore the fact that he’s still lingering there, sitting all relaxed like he’s not in a hurry to go anywhere anytime soon. Knowing him, he’s going to attempt to charm her some more after I leave.

“Brooks, you have any questions?” Lisa asks before eyeing the door.

Miraculously Brooks takes the hint, grabbing his folder and standing to leave.

“After you,” he says, still smiling smugly when he meets me at the door.

“Thanks.” I remain stoic and professional. It’s best not to give him a reaction—positive, negative, or otherwise.

I power-walk in my heels to my office, trying to ignore that he’s right behind me. As soon as I get there, I’m going to open this folder right away so I can get a leg up. I’m planning for another three hours, butt-in-chair, getting familiar with the case.


As I turn to close the door, though, he’s looking at me.

“So we’ll get started, tomorrow?” he asks, his voice thick with confidence.

“Sure.” By then, I’ll be so far ahead of him, he’ll wish he never locked horns with me.

“Great.” He gives me a thumbs up and starts to walk off, but a second later, he stops. “Hey. I know, this is a little awkward, working together to decide which of us gets the promotion. But you know, I think we’re both worthy of it. You’re a hell of an attorney, Bayliss. So whatever happens, happens, right?”

I freeze as he extends his hand out to shake mine.

And then I snap out of it.

“You might be able to bullshit everyone else in this office, Gentry,” I say. “But you can’t bullshit me.”

“Good luck,” he sniffs, turning to head back to his office. But as soon as I duck back into mine, I could swear I hear him add, “You’re going to need it.”


Dinner tonight is fried chicken from a place in Falmouth.

I swear, if the only thing I give Jace is high cholesterol, I’ll never forgive myself. But what can I do? I have work to think about—specifically a case that’ll decide whether I become partner at Foster and Foster. Career-wise, this is going to be the most important two months of my life.

But I’ll think about it tomorrow.

Tonight, though, after I shower and change into pajama pants, I sit in bed and open my phone to BLIND LOVE.

I only have one message. I’m expecting it to be the daily missive from my crystal loving Stranger581. But I’m wrong. It’s from Stranger7721, responding to my, “Okay. Only 89 days. I’m willing to wait if you are.”

Stranger7721: How do I know you’re worth that kind of time investment? I’m a busy girl.

I chuff. So that’s how it’s going to be?

Stranger88: I promise you… it’ll be worth the wait.

Stranger7721: Really? Just what do you have planned for me?

Stranger88: You’ll like it.

Stranger7721: Don’t be so sure. I can be hard to impress.

I smirk, imagining her there, just like me, lying in bed after a long day at work. In my mind’s eye, she’s pulled her hair from her professional ponytail, letting it spill over her shoulders. She’s wearing a lace camisole, silk stockings. Not much else.

For some absolutely insane reason, I think of Tenley from the office, probably because she’s the last person I saw today before I left. She’s easily the most buttoned-up girl, tightly wound person I’ve ever known, and much like Stranger 7721, she’s immune to my charms.

Stranger88: You want to know what I would do to you if you were here right now?

Stranger7721: Please enlighten me. And for the record, I don’t do sex in public places. Not looking to be on the sex offender registry.


