Deadly Lover – Special Edition (Exit Strategy #1) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Exit Strategy Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 93984 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 470(@200wpm)___ 376(@250wpm)___ 313(@300wpm)

“And Dane? Do you think he’s capable of murdering Weiss and Jones?”

The older woman’s face crumpled a little, and she looked down at her hands in her lap. “I-I don’t know. I’m not sure I could look at anyone and say they’re capable of murder. I don’t like Dane Hamilton, but part of that could be from my own bitterness at being forced out from my company. Is he at times dishonest and self-centered? Yes. Is he willing to hurt millions of people just to make more money? God…I hope not.”

“One last question…” Justin paused to give her a small smile. Her hands were shaking, and her eyes glistened with tears. “Your contract. Did you intend to hire more than one person? Did you throw it out to everyone stating you’d pay whoever got it done first?”

“No! Absolutely not.” She straightened in her seat and seemed to pull herself together a little as she lowered her voice to a whisper. “The person I directed was told that I wanted only the best. One person and for it to be handled as quietly as possible.”

“Thank you for your time, Gretchen,” Justin said, standing again. “This will help us greatly.” The information gave them a few starting points and eliminated the idea that competition for the twenty-two million was trying to kill them. That left them with whoever had killed Kristen and Kevin or someone from Gabriel’s past.

“Wait!” She grabbed Justin’s hand, stopping him. “Who are you? How can I contact you if I learn something new?”

A tense smile pulled at his lips. “It’s better you don’t know who we are. It’s better that you forget what we look like and don’t ask anyone here what our names are. If you see either of us again, don’t speak to us unless we speak to you. Just forget.”


Justin lifted the hand holding his to his lips and brushed a gentle kiss across her knuckles. “It’s better to forget everything about today.”

He then turned on his heel and quickly walked out of the room as Gabriel held the door open for him. His heart pounded in his chest. They had a couple of interesting leads. This could be a very good thing for them.

“You couldn’t help yourself, could you?” Gabriel murmured behind him as they walked back down the hall.

“What do you mean?”

“The kiss to her hand. The suave gentlemen when you’re really just a ruthless killer.”

Justin snorted. “Jealous?”

He thought he heard Gabriel grumble something under his breath. Grinning to himself, Justin waited until they passed a dark little nook, then spun on his heel and grabbed Gabriel, shoving him into the wall within the hidden recess. He pressed his body up against Gabriel’s, and the other man sucked in a harsh breath. Tipping his head down, he brushed his lips along Gabriel’s neck before settling on the rapidly beating pulse just below his skin.

“What’s really bothering you, G? That it’s been hours since I last kissed you?”

“This isn’t the time, Mallory,” Gabriel growled, but he didn’t push Justin off. He stood painfully still, his body tense.

“I think it’s the perfect time to steal a kiss from my boyfriend.” As he turned his head, Justin moved his mouth up Gabriel’s neck to his jaw. He needed Gabriel to tilt his head. Just move a little to his left. “Kiss me, Gabriel.”

And to his surprise, Gabriel moved his head, seizing his mouth in a blistering kiss that curled his toes in his hard-soled shoes and filled his cock. Gabriel’s tongue plunged into his mouth, claiming Justin as if he were a damn Spanish conquistador plundering a new land. Justin moaned into Gabriel’s mouth and pressed even closer, wanting nothing to separate them.

The sound of footsteps on the hardwood floor tore Gabriel’s mouth from his. He looked around for a second and glared at Justin. “This is not the place for this.”

“Then let’s go home where we can get more comfortable.”

“You promised me coq au vin,” Gabriel said with a smirk.

Justin rolled his eyes and then his hips, rubbing his hard cock against Gabriel, earning a pained hiss. “Then we’ll stop at the grocery store for supplies. Lots of supplies. And then we’ll go home. You research. I cook. And then we have some fun.”

Gabriel stared at him for a second, his face unreadable. “Maybe.”

Justin stepped back and looked around for a second to make sure they were still alone before he adjusted himself. “Maybe? Really?”

A wide grin spread across Gabriel’s face, taking Justin’s breath away. The man was simply stunning. “Maybe.”

Justin groaned and led the way out of the house. This man’s “maybe” was going to fucking kill him.

Chapter 14

Once again, the car ride with Justin was silent, but there was a different kind of tension filling the air this time. Gabriel stared out the window, fighting the need to touch his lips. They tingled from the stolen kiss in the hallway.


