Daughter of Deception (The Savage Heirs #2) Read Online Ruby Vincent

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Crime, Erotic, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Savage Heirs Series by Ruby Vincent

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 110550 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 553(@200wpm)___ 442(@250wpm)___ 369(@300wpm)

I was stuck between rolling my eyes and kissing him, so I did both. “If not twenty guys, how about five? Bane should go with you.”

“Bane has his own business to take care of.”

“Training me?”

“No, I meant that literally. You know his crew manufactures and sells weapons. They’re about to increase production tenfold.” Sunny sat up and faced me. “We’ll do whatever it takes to cut the head off the snake, but if we don’t stomp the Brotherhood out soon.

“It’s war.”

Chapter Seven

A waterfall of silk slipped through my fingertips, filling me with visions of the outfits I’d make for Sunny. I didn’t think anything matched the feeling of running around Brocade. Clearly I forgot my days in the War Room.

Fabrics of all types, colors, and styles surrounded me on all sides, lit up under heavy neon white lights. Why was the second-floor fabric storage called the War Room? Because when the season came and it was time for us to enter our clothes into competitions, it got straight-up ugly in here. One woman lost a tooth fighting over pearl chiffon. Girl took her out with an elbow to the face.

That morning, it was peaceful. Or mostly peaceful.

Snickering drew my attention to the corner for the third time. Two junior designers huddled up, making out they were looking at the tulle. I’d buy it if I hadn’t caught them watching me out of the corner of my eye twice.

Another burst of giggles ground my teeth. “You two,” I called. “Got something to say?”

“Yeah, actually. We do.” The short, blonde one rounded on me, arms folded. “We heard Anastasia was blotted off the Johnson account and it was given to you because you’re sleeping with Vance.”

I returned to measuring my silk, losing interest in the conversation immediately. “Don’t believe everything you hear.”

Their footfalls drew closer. “Don’t get me wrong, I almost respect you for it,” continued Blondie. “Obviously you didn’t know this because you’re an outsider, but HR really cracks down on that sort of thing.” She clicked her tongue. “Don’t be surprised if you’re out on your ass by tomorrow. You’ll have ridden Vance’s dick for nothing.”

My teeth clenched. So that’s Lyla’s play. Spread rumors that I’m sleeping with the boss so HR will kick me out.

I wanted to believe human resources would do a fair investigation, then back me up when there was no proof. But they didn’t do that the last time.

Raising my head, I gifted them a serene smile. “I am not sleeping with anyone but my very hot boyfriend and his brother.” Their eyes bugged. “Yes, I seriously just told you that because I’m proud of my current sex life and I’m doing nothing I need to hide. I don’t lie, sneak around, or play games, ladies. Not like the gossipy harpy that poured those vicious rumors in your ear.

“What I do is come to work and get my job done. A job I got because I’m the best.” I leaned over the table, getting in their face. “Let me repeat that for you: I am the best.

“I’m also senior designer for CH’s top account who clearly has some favor with Hollywell, or he wouldn’t have given me the job.” I winked. “I’m a good friend to have in this building. So, think about it. Do you want me as a friend or...?” I let the rest dangle unsaid in the air.

The two shared a look. Blondie faced me, beaming wide. “Welcome to Caddell House. We’re so lucky to have you.” She shook my hand. “We eat lunch on the roof. Sit with us, yeah?”

I just waved them off smiling. That worked on them. Let’s see if it works on the other designers who got Lyla’s poison dripped in their ears.

I cut out my silk and brought it up to my office. It wasn’t empty.

“Seriously, if you keep lying in wait for me like this, I’m going to start carrying pepper spray.”

Lyla laughed from her spot on my window seat. Jace sat across from her.

“See? I told you,” she said to him. “We’re old college buddies. We’re always messing with each other.”

The nonsense that came out of her mouth stunned me into silence. Adeline’s trick did work.

“What are you two doing in here?” I asked when my voice came back. “Where’s Genny?”

“Your friend ordered Rylee to give her a tour,” Jace replied. “Who is she? Why is she here?”

I gave Lyla a pointed look. “After Miss Dawson makes her way out of the exit, I’d be happy to tell you. Bye, Lyla.”

She laughed. “Exit? I’m not going anywhere, silly. I’ve got designs to show you. Been working on them all night.”

“The only thing you have to show me is your back.”

Howling, Lyla nudged Jace’s shoulder. “See how we joke with each other? Kenzie cracks me up.” She nailed that beaming smile on me. “But it’s time to get serious. I’ve got ideas for Ava Johnson that you’re going to love.”


