Daughter of Deception (The Savage Heirs #2) Read Online Ruby Vincent

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Crime, Erotic, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Savage Heirs Series by Ruby Vincent

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 110550 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 553(@200wpm)___ 442(@250wpm)___ 369(@300wpm)

“You’re right,” I deadpanned. “That’s a stupid plan.”

“We’re running low on good ones, Big Sis. I can hardly send Makai out there. No one would buy that he’s betraying me. It would have to be someone the Brotherhood wouldn’t suspect, but anyone like that we couldn’t trust worth a damn.”

“Then we go after the ones they already got,” Bane said. “Give me half your list. I’ll put my guys on it.”

“What’s going on?”

Our heads snapped around. Kenzie stood in the hall entrance—hair messy and pajamas covered in bunnies. She came straight for me and took Laurel out of my hands. “What’s going on?” she asked again.

“We’re making a plan with the little information we’ve got, Angel.” Sunny handed her the bottle, then tugged them both down on his lap. “We’re circling, Kenzie. The Brotherhood doesn’t know it, but we’re closing in.”

“Hopefully I’ll have something to contribute soon,” she said. “I’ll get Vance’s alterations done today. Because of the holdup, they won’t be ready for Wednesday’s shipment, but they’ll be ready to go on Friday. The rat will have until Friday to sew their extras in. When they go for it, I’ll be ready.”

“Are you certain you want to do this?” Liam asked—the condescending ass once again.

“I am doing it, Liam. I’ll be fine.” Kenzie got up. “I’m going to try to get Laurel back down. She is not supposed to be in your strategy sessions. But I am. Tell me everything when I get back.”

I watched her walk off, feeling a tad more respect for her. Vito’s violent and sudden death shocked her, but it didn’t break her. Makenzie knew what she had to do, and she was ready to get it done.

By Friday, I thought. I’m sick to death of waiting around.

FOUR HOURS LATER, KENZIE and I rolled into Caddell House with cups of coffee and zero patience. Or maybe that was just me.

“Why are you wasting your time altering everything?” I stabbed the button for the elevator. “I’ll explain to Vance that the designs are perfect as is. Problem solved.”

“I’d rather earn his respect than beat it out of him. Vance has proven he won’t reject a good design out of spite. I gave him the chance to do that when he hired me. No, if I tweak the outfits, he’ll approve them and we can move on.” Considering where we were standing, Kenzie didn’t say more. “Oh, and I forgive you by the way.”

I pulled a face. “Forgive me? For what?”

“For acting like a flaming asshole yesterday.” I barked a laugh. “I get the pressure you’re under, and all the people you’re trying to protect, but you don’t do that by taking it out on me. I consider us friends, Gen, but if you treat me like that again. I’ll change my mind.”

I eyed her up and down, lips twisted with humor. No one dared speak to me like that. Even Sunny put his fists up and braced himself when he told me to go fuck myself.

“I don’t apologize, and I won’t now. But I will admit yesterday wasn’t about you.” The elevator dinged, inviting us in. “You are a badass, Kenzie. I haven’t known Laurel long and I’m already willing to kill everyone and anyone who hurts her. You survived months separated from her—refusing to give in to the instinct to kill that woman and take her—all to keep your kid safe. I’ve never been that selfless.

“I brag every day about doing and taking whatever I want, but I still envy people like you. It wasn’t weakness that stopped you killing Charlie. It took unimaginable strength to put Laurel’s needs above your own even while it destroyed you. We all hope to find half that amount of courage to protect the people depending on us.” My Cardinals floated through my mind. “Because there’s no forgiveness if we fail.”

“Goodness,” Kenzie breathed, eyes bright. “I’ll take that over an apology any day.”

“Oh no,” I said, head shaking. “Your girl crush is deepening. Sorry, Kenzie. I was into you before but now that you’re hooking up with my brothers, it can’t happen for us. I don’t share.”

“Annnnd you’re back.”

My laughter followed her to the office. Kenzie set her stuff down on the desk, picked up her pad, and headed back out. “I’m going to grab some stuff from the War Room, then I’m getting more coffee. Want some?”

“You don’t even have to ask. Get me the largest cup of espresso they sell.”

Kenzie left and I parked it on my seat, getting comfortable.


Frowning, I shifted, wiggling my back.

Crinkle, crinkle.

I reached behind me, slipping my hand under the pillow. My fingertips brushed paper.

Dear Genevieve Hunt,

We know you and your family are responsible for the disappearance of our brother, Vito Bernardi. We can only assume you bear similar responsibility for the fake video currently trending in the media.


