Dark Whisper – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 145341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 581(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

Afanasiv didn’t respond to Razvan’s observation. He sat quietly, his features without expression, but beneath that serene, calm exterior, Vasilisa knew there was a feral, dangerous predator far too close to the surface feeling trapped. She did her best to soothe him when she didn’t know why he was feeling the way he was.

Let’s leave this place, she suggested again.

He shook his head. “If taken, we can change the composition of our blood so it is useless to those in the underworld. Lilith and the high mage struck a deal some centuries back with the idea that they would both benefit. Xavier wanted to be immortal. Lilith was determined to rule without interference.”

Afanasiv fell silent even though the expectation in the room was very high. Vasilisa knew what it would cost him to continue. Those memories that had been misfiled on purpose.

You were taken to the underworld more than once, she guessed.

I was there three times. I was never taken. I found my way all three times. His tone was abrupt. The memory you accessed was the last time I was there, not the first.

Her heart jumped and then began to pound. She hastily stifled the sound. He immediately soothed her, sending her warmth and comfort. It was many centuries ago, my lady, and I survived. My parents did not. I fear my soul did not, either.

Vasilisa allowed her lashes to veil her eyes. Just for a moment she leaned against him, needing his strength. Such a simple, matter-of-fact statement. I survived. My parents did not. I fear my soul did not. That said nothing and yet said everything. It was no wonder he didn’t want to resurrect those lost memories. He wanted them to stay lost.

The memories were painful, and he knew it. He must have deemed it necessary to tell the others or they would already be gone, somewhere the two of them could be alone together. Anywhere not where they were. Vasilisa could only surround him with her growing affection, admiration and warmth. He had warned her, and she hadn’t listened to him. This was on her.

He sacrificed a tremendous amount for others, and he wasn’t even aware of it. He didn’t view emotional damage as sacrifices. He simply did whatever he had to in order to get the job done. Whenever she felt she couldn’t admire him more, he did something else, something new to gain her respect.

“I saw evidence of Xavier consulting with demons on many occasions,” Razvan said, that frown still on his face as he contemplated the information Afanasiv gave to them. “He was always obsessed with blood, mine in particular and that of my children and aunts. They are Dragonseeker, as well. Like you said, the composition was changed to make it useless for him to experiment with. There were times the blood changed on its own without my aid. I was too far gone, weak and did not know what was happening to me.”

Afanasiv suddenly leaned forward. “The obsession with Dragonseeker started centuries before Xavier became part of it. My mother was trapped by Lilith and her demons and taken to the underworld. My father and I followed to bring her back.” For the first time, there was emotion in his voice, and it was difficult to hear. Loathing filled the room, but not for Lilith and the demons. It was for himself.

Knots formed in Vasilisa’s belly. The others in the room had no way of knowing that Afanasiv’s revulsion centered around his actions, not those of the demons. She dreaded what he was going to tell them. All along, there had been a warning, a red flag telling her things were best left alone. This was going to affect her—affect them. Whatever he was about to reveal was going to be a blow that had the potential of tearing them apart—at least Afanasiv believed that was so. His crime was so terrible that he had changed his name and refused to use Dragonseeker.

Don’t. She implored him. I don’t want to lose you, Afanasiv. Whatever this is, we can deal with it first alone. Don’t do this.

His fingers tightened around hers, and he looked down at her. His eyes were cobalt blue. Sad. The weight of his sorrow pressed down on her until she wanted to weep a river for both of them. I have no choice, sívamet. If I do not give them the truth, let them know, they have no chance of figuring out what Lilith is after. Xavier and his brother are a nuisance, but it is Lilith who is threatening our lineage. She has to be stopped.

What of us?

You have the right to know what I did. I should have told you before I claimed you. That was wrong of me. Another sin to add to so many.


