Dark Whisper – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 145341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 581(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

There are five demons on either side of the door. They are armed with swords and eager to use them. The main five are straight in front of the door about thirty yards out. These demons have seen plenty of combat, and the commander is one of that group. I will take on those. Grigor, you will have to fight off the ones to the left of the door, and, Andros, you the ones to the right. Gaia, the sun is already in the sky. If you are feeling the effects, you must go to ground before it is too late for you, Afanasiv warned the Carpathian woman.

She sent an image of her laughter to him. I live among demons and Lycans. Where do you think I get blood to survive? I am mixed blood. I have been for a very long time. If it is necessary, I can walk in the sunlight. It will never be my preference.

Afanasiv turned that over in his mind. Carpathians often hypothesized about what it would be like to walk in the daylight. Which kinds of activities they would choose to do if they were given only a few hours to be awake during the day. He loved the night. There was such beauty in the sky, in the moon and stars. He loved the night storms that poured water from the skies, while thunder roared and lightning forked with loud cracks.

He built one now in the not-too-distant sky and let the wind bring it to them. “You wanted a storm, I give you one.” He gave her a sweeping bow, and she realized how quickly he had shed the bird image and was already sauntering into the sight of the demons.

The demons were caught completely off guard. They expected their prey to come out of the portal, not walk up to them with his sleeves rolled up, revealing muscular arms and more tattoos.

I will have need of your blue flames soon, my lady, so continue to rest. Please stay hidden as long as possible. If they suspect you deliver the killing flame, they will do anything to get to you.

“Good morning, gentlemen,” Afanasiv greeted them. He faced the five most dangerous demons, but with his body angled slightly sideways, he could keep an eye on the two other teams. “I was a great distance from here and heard you calling my name. You summoned me, so here I am.” Once again, Afanasiv bowed.

The leader shuffled forward, his hand on the sword at his side. “You need to leave. No one summoned you.”

Afanasiv looked disappointed. He scratched his head and looked all around him. “Are you certain?” He took several steps closer to the captain of the demons. “Let me see the list of names you have. Surely I’m at the top.”

All the demons’ attention was riveted on Afanasiv. Now, Gaia, get them out. Hurry, I can only hold them so long. Vasi, stay with me.

“There is no list, you fool. If you don’t want to die this day, leave now,” the demon thundered.

“Of course there’s a list,” Afanasiv insisted. “Lilith always makes lists. She was very angry when I escaped. I know she put me at the top of the list, and if I get away again, she’ll put your head on the chopping block.” He pointed to a smooth boulder. “I can sit right over there while you consult with her. But I warn you, I’m not going to wait long.”

“You must be insane to come here and just turn yourself in. I’ll have one of my men escort you below, if that’s what you want.”

“You misunderstand me,” Afanasiv said with a small smile that showed his white teeth. “I have come to challenge you. You must defeat me in combat in order to take me in.”

The captain heaved a sigh. “Just who are you?”

“I am Afanasiv Belan Dragonseeker.” He dropped the name casually.

There was an eerie silence filled only by the capricious wind. The breeze picked up the powdery snow from the ground and tossed it into the air in thin spinning columns all around them. In spite of the sun struggling to make a debut, dark clouds rolled overhead, looking for all the world like a witch’s cauldron with a roiling brew. Inside the clouds, lightning forked, briefly lighting the sky with crackling energy. Thunder boomed directly overhead, shaking the ground.

The commander gripped his sword tighter and glanced both left and right to ensure his soldiers were close behind him. “I believe our mistress is eager for your return,” he admitted.

As he spoke, he rushed forward with the blade of his sword held low but pointed slightly up, as if to gut Afanasiv. Afanasiv waited until the last moment before his own sword appeared in his hand, and he parried the thrust with a decidedly hard blow. The force of it spun the commander around and sent shock waves up his arm. At the same time, as the demon was sent spinning, the blade of Afanasiv’s sword severed his head. Before anyone could fully comprehend what had happened, blue flames swarmed over the head and body, incinerating both almost instantaneously.


