Dark Whisper – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 145341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 581(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

“I did not give up my lifemate in a moment of madness?”

“How could you when you had no idea if she was in the world?” Vasilisa countered. This time she went to him to comfort him. Wrapping him in her arms, she lay her cheek against his heart. “You’re only guilty of holding out against the demons in the underworld, and that isn’t a crime.”



You must stay aboveground and guard my body,” Afanasiv announced. “I will travel into the underworld and find your brothers and their women. If the women relinquished their souls, they will be left there. If not, I will try to find a way to protect them while they are there or bring them out with me. Regardless, I will get your brothers out if at all possible.” He wasn’t going to add that if they had also surrendered their souls, they would not be coming home to her.

He caught her head in both hands to still it. “Stop shaking your head, woman. You know it will be much easier for me to simply look after myself. I cannot be divided when I go into the underworld after your brothers and their women. In any case, you didn’t look too closely at the reality of what went on when I was down there. What those scars on my soul mean.”

“It doesn’t matter what they mean.”

“It does, Vasilisa. Everything matters in the underworld. Carpathians can become demons, beasts without thought or reason when they go into battle. They live for the need of violence, to feel the rush when, finally, we can feel something—anything, even as primitive and brutal as a fight to the death.”

“Why would having those scars matter?”

“You are innocent. You may think you aren’t, but you are. I have done things in these long centuries of living that you cannot conceive of. Those scars provided me safe passage out of the underworld. The guards that had been put in place recognized me as one of their own. You would not be so lucky.”

“You think I would be detected even without a physical body?”

He nodded. “I’m sorry, Vasilisa, but I know you will. You give off a certain energy. It feels pure. There is no hiding that, and in the underworld, your innocence would stick out like a sore thumb.”

“I take it you’re not speaking of sexual innocence.”

He couldn’t help smiling at her. That question alone proved he was right about her. She killed when she had to because enemies invaded their land. She didn’t live for the hunt or find joy in it the way he did. There might be the momentary Lycan rush during a full moon, but she lived her life in a civilized manner. She wasn’t feral. She wasn’t a woman to actively look for a fight. She only went on a hunt when it was necessary. She didn’t look at herself the way he viewed her: elegant, beautiful, extraordinary.

“No, my lady, I am not. In any case, I will need you here to guard my physical body with the same ferocious spirit with which you guarded my soul. Should they become aware my spirit is separated from my body, they will send everyone they have seeking this form. You will need every instinct to keep me safe.” He meant every word.

“Whatever plan Lilith has devised, she’s determined to carry it out, and to do so means she needs a Dragonseeker under her control.”

His woman suddenly lost her look of certainty and appeared unsure. “Maybe this isn’t a good idea. Reach out to your brethren and see what is taking place. How soon can they help you?”

He reached for her, drawing her away from the wall and into his arms. He lifted her onto his lap, needing her to feel safe. Dropping his chin into the mass of her glossy hair, he rubbed gently, allowing the bristles along his jaw to become trapped in all that silk.

“Stay connected to me,” he advised. He wasn’t going to sugarcoat it or keep anything from her. If there was bad news, she would see it firsthand.

Vasilisa gripped his forearm as if that gave her added strength. He felt her move in his mind, a gentle presence, but there all the same, firm and anchored, believing in him.

Petru, I have need to know what is happening where you are. What news of Andros? Are there demons close to you? How many? Vampires? Are you injured?

The fighting was fierce. We were able to kill most of the master vampire’s pawns and his second in command. He got away. Benedek is chasing after the master vampire now. He broke off from the demons, who have ducked into a vent, taking the royal with them. He fought them, but they pulled him down into the underworld. There were so many Lycans wounded here on the surface, and I didn’t dare follow them into that hellhole, so I remained here to mark the vent and heal as many as possible.


