Dark Whisper – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 145341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 581(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

Olga crawled backward on her knees as the knife slid away from her. Both hands went up to her throat as she clawed at it, trying to regain her ability to speak.

Vasilisa stayed in the midst of the swirling snow, columns shooting up to veil what she was doing as she countered the patterns Xavier had used to provide a portal for himself and his demons to come through.

Xavier dropped to his knees and began to throw snow on the blue flames burning the thick knots and spirals that made up his staff. The more he piled on the snow, the higher the flames leapt. The fire crackled and popped and threw a strange light into the sky. Xavier’s beard began to smoke. His long robes smoldered. He paid no attention as he wailed and then abruptly rose and looked around for the pieces of broken crystal.

The chambers had shattered and were lost in the sea of snow now dotted with blackened ash. Xavier held up his hands and began to chant, trying to find a way to bring his staff back to one piece. Afanasiv knew the mage had no hope to restore the heart or blood of the demon that had helped to carry him aboveground. The blue flame was Vasilisa’s, one she used to fight demons from the underground. Technically, Xavier was just that—a demon. He might be a mage, but he was also a demon sent by Lilith to do her work above the underworld.

Vasilisa worked fast, moving backward through the spell that had brought Xavier through the portal as the high mage concentrated on attempting to command the pieces of crystal glass to him. Xavier’s beard and clothes began to pull toward the right, along with the wind. Afanasiv subtly changed the direction of the storm toward the portal, where it had been constructed outside the inn.

The robes flapped around the mage and began to drag him backward. His gray hair pulled him along with his beard. Stunned, finally realizing what was happening, he shook his head and let out a scream of protest. “Lilith, no. Give me more time.”

Vasilisa reached for Afanasiv’s hand as the high mage was carried away from them, spinning through the trees toward the portal, where he slipped through as it collapsed behind him.

“No, take me with you,” Olga implored. Without Xavier, his spells were broken, and she had her voice once more. “You promised me. They won’t accept me here. You promised me.” She stumbled to her feet and looked around fearfully.



Snow fell in light flurries as silence once again settled over the forest. Afanasiv wrapped his arm around Vasilisa. She didn’t want him to. She was terrified she would break down weeping uncontrollably, and he would see what a hot mess destiny had stuck him with. At the same time, she wanted to lean into him, press her face against his chest and, just for a few moments, let him comfort her.

“I think I would much prefer the latter.” Afanasiv’s large palm cupped the back of her skull to hold her against his broad chest. “Holding you is always going to be my first choice, Vasilisa. I know you’re strong. You never have to pretend with me.”

“I don’t feel very strong right now. I don’t understand what happened to my aunt. If she was having problems or doubts, why wouldn’t she come to her family? Why wouldn’t she first talk to us? Didn’t we deserve her trust and loyalty after all the years of loving her?”

“Jealousy is an ugly flaw, and it can destroy people from the inside out. It can eat away at relationships, erode them slowly, sívamet. I have seen this happen many times in my life over these centuries. Your aunt was jealous and perhaps didn’t recognize it at first because she had her dancing. Once that was taken from her, she felt lost. She didn’t know who she was anymore.”

Vasilisa could understand what he was saying. Olga loved dancing. She lived to dance. She would often take out her ballet shoes and talk to Vasilisa about dancing on the stage and how magical it was. A light would shine in her eyes, and her entire face would light up. She seemed to go somewhere else. Vasilisa loved to see her so enthralled, but then Olga would look so sad when she put her slippers away that it made Vasilisa’s heart ache. She would wrap her arms around her aunt’s neck and kiss her face all over to try to make her feel better.

“It was so sad to see her when she would reminisce about dancing on the stage. And that horrible Inessa woman, who betrayed their friendship the way she did, made it all the worse for her.”

“Inessa certainly didn’t help, but I think by that time, Olga had already started down the path of destruction. Barnabas, no doubt, had already come into her life. This conspiracy against your family started some time ago, Vasilisa. It is well thought out and planned. It is their bad luck that you and I were destined to become lifemates. Clearly, they had no idea that you are such an excellent demon slayer.”


