Dark Song – Dark Carpathians Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 165649 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 828(@200wpm)___ 663(@250wpm)___ 552(@300wpm)

She couldn’t stop the cries escaping. It seemed impossible to drag enough air into her lungs. The assault on her senses was massive, coming from every direction, until her entire body was in a full-blown raging firestorm. She writhed under his relentless mouth, his tongue and teeth, the flick of his fingers and the brush of his thumb. Flames licked at her body, roared through her mind. It was beautiful and savage, merciless and perfect.

His palm went to her belly, fingers splayed wide to press deep, holding her in place while his mouth ravaged her. Deep inside, the coiling wound tighter and tighter until she thought she might die if the spring didn’t release. He didn’t let up, devouring her more. The growling, hungry sounds he made were sexy, adding to the sensual experience, feeding her own urgent need of him. The desperation for him was growing in her. She wasn’t certain what “more” she wanted of him, but she wanted a great deal more.

The burning inside her grew hotter. His mouth was an instrument of the most exquisite torture. She didn’t know if she could stand much more. She whispered his name, her hands finding his shoulders, digging her fingernails deep to anchor herself in the real world when she felt she might be in danger of flying apart, flying too high. It felt too good and she was afraid of losing herself. Of losing him. Of this. Things could be too perfect. She hadn’t had good or perfect.

Let go, sívamet. Let yourself fly. That is what this rising is all about. We are flying in all sorts of wonderful ways. Relax and I will catch you.

She was learning that Ferro’s word was golden. He would catch her. He would be there for her. Her rock. Her sword. Her shield. Whatever she needed him to be. The inferno burned wild and she had no choice, it was either have complete belief in him or go insane. She let go and let the firestorm take her. The blaze raced through her, out of control, sweeping through her body, an ever-widening conflagration that shook her to her core.

She felt as if she spiraled completely out of control, ripples building into wild waves of pleasure, taking hold of her body, burning through to leave her in ashes only to start all over again. She was dimly aware of Ferro lifting his head, wiping his face on her thighs and then pulling her shivering body into his arms, holding her until she calmed.

She buried her face in his neck, stunned that she could feel so wonderful and yet so completely out of control. Little aftershocks rocked her, over and over, until gradually her body quieted, leaving her feeling somewhat sated and yet still feeling as if she might be missing out on something big.

She lifted her head to look at him. “Thank you, Ferro.”

“I am very proud of you for asking me for what you wanted, Elisabeta. It gives me great pleasure to see you like that. There is so much more, but we will save those lessons for another rising. The anticipation always makes the reward greater, as we both have discovered.”

She smiled up at him. “I am willing to do whatever you wish.” She secretly thought continuing along the lines they had just gone might be perfect.

“We are working on flying, and shifting is very important for a number of reasons.” He brushed kisses over her eyes and along her nose and then released her.

Elisabeta rolled over onto her stomach again and laid her head on her hands, closing her eyes to savor the feeling of belonging to such a man. He gave her so many new experiences, all of them good. Every time he touched her, he brought her pleasure. Even now, he rubbed her bottom gently, massaging her, keeping the heat moving so exquisitely through her body.

“I feel so lucky to have you for my lifemate, Ferro,” she said. “All those centuries I felt lost and alone, guarding your soul, but it truly was worth every single moment because you are worth everything the vampire put me through and much more.”

Beside her, he went utterly still. His hand ceased moving. He was in her mind and she was aware he would know she meant what she said. Guarding Ferro’s soul had not been easy, and she didn’t want Ferro to know the terrible tolls Sergey had forced her to pay time and again throughout the centuries, but she had held out against him. She would never give up her lifemate’s soul. Never. That had been her line in the sand, so to speak. If Sergey wanted her alive, he would have to come to terms with that. There were times her defiance drove the vampire mad, and he had made her pay dearly.


