Dark Song – Dark Carpathians Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 165649 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 828(@200wpm)___ 663(@250wpm)___ 552(@300wpm)

They were right at the door, the entrance to Tariq’s home, and Ferro knew he couldn’t hesitate to enter. He’d already gotten Tariq on edge just by making a common and proper request. He stepped across the threshold, lifting Elisabeta as he entered so that her feet didn’t touch the floor. She didn’t protest. If anyone noticed and became upset, he had the perfect excuse; he could tell them that she was unused to walking. He was certain Gary would notice.

Tariq and Maksim led the way to the conference room and took their places at the large oval table where often they had to hash out war plans against the vampires who were already in place, doing their best to stamp out the existence of the Carpathian people.

“We’ve sent for Josef,” Maksim said. “Traian and Joie both have said they are willing for Gary and Elisabeta to examine them if Gary feels it is necessary. They traveled together.”

“If it comes to that,” Gary said smoothly. “I think all of us are in trouble, Tariq. I think there is something working against us within this compound that is not yet known to us.”

Tariq rubbed at his temples. “Something is happening. We never seem to be able to have five minutes before we’re attacked by something new.” There was an accusation in his voice, as if he blamed Gary. He even narrowed his eyes at the healer. His face was flushed. His heartbeat accelerated. It was clear to those in the room that his blood pressure was rising and his body was preparing to take physical action against some unknown threat.

Elisabeta’s hand slid up Ferro’s chest. His head is hurting very badly. He feels . . . anger mounting to rage and is not used to such an emotion. He is fighting against it. It flared bright and hot when the healer suggested there was a problem here. He is very strong and does not like the idea that he cannot control his emotions.

Can you soothe him without touching his mind?

Elisabeta tilted her head and suddenly Ferro found himself looking down into his lifemate’s dark eyes. His heart stuttered at what he saw there. Amusement. Warmth. She looked at him as if he might not be quite as bright as she first thought. He was concentrating on her safety, not paying as much attention to the details of his woman’s abilities. Of course she could soothe Tariq from a distance. She had that gift from when she was a child. As she had grown, so had that talent and that need in her to bring peace when those around her were agitated or lost. Tariq seemed both.

Ferro had never forbidden her to use her talent. If anything, he had encouraged her. He had told her he was proud of her for it. He should have known she was already sending those waves of peaceful energy into the room, encompassing everyone, not just Tariq. Every ancient felt the way her gift penetrated straight to the soul and healed the centuries of shredding, of that gray void of emptiness.

Scents of Italian bergamot and rare camellias mixed with extract of orange, lime, vetiver and sandalwood, drifting across the room in just a hint of a blended fragrance. Ferro knew it was all Elisabeta. It was impossible for any negative emotion to persist under the onslaught of that gentle persuasion.

I realize now that you will always have the upper hand between us, piŋe sarnanak. How will I ever stay annoyed with you when I inhale and you smell like the breeze that takes all cares away? He ran his hand down the back of her head, making certain she knew he wouldn’t ever mind that she would have the upper hand between them.

Elisabeta had found her way into his heart with her quiet stillness. With her gentle compassion and this—that need to bring peace to his brothers, the other hunters weary from holding on to honor over so long. Not just those in the monastery, but all Carpathian hunters. It was his lifemate’s nature and he loved her all the more for it.

Why would you become annoyed with me? Do I do anything that already makes you believe I will upset you?

The anxiety in her made him want to groan. She was very literal with him. She was programmed to want to please him. Naturally, she would take him seriously in spite of the fact that he was all but petting her hair in an effort to show her he was teasing her, trying to keep a balance when he didn’t know what they were going to find and what the others were going to expect from his lifemate.

“Perhaps everyone should be examined again,” Ferro said. “Starting with me. Starting with all of us from the monastery. Is it possible, Tariq, that we carried an unknown shadow with us that Xavier or another mage cast upon the gates without our knowledge? I do not want to take chances with the women and children here in the compound. If there is the slightest possibility that you believe we are putting them at risk, we will be examined or we will plan our escape. We can get past Sergey and his spies and cross back to the Carpathian Mountains. Once there, he cannot get to us.” He poured confidence into his voice. All the while he kept his gaze fixed on the leader’s eyes, needing to see what was going on with him.


