Dark Obsession (Whiskey Men – Wounded Heroes #2) Read Online Hope Ford

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Novella Tags Authors: Series: Whiskey Men - Wounded Heroes Series by Hope Ford

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 45573 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 228(@200wpm)___ 182(@250wpm)___ 152(@300wpm)

Since then, it’s all I’ve thought about, and I’m now to the point where I’m wondering if I just made it all up. Maybe I’ve exaggerated it in my mind or something. You know how you eat something and you think it’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten. Then you go back, order the same thing, and it’s not as good as you remember. I’m thinking that’s what’s happened with Jason.

I’ve worked it up in my head, and when I see him again, the instant attraction will be gone. My toes won’t curl, my nipples won’t harden, and I won’t feel that tug in my lower belly. I’m so convinced that this is the case that I’m ready to test my theory.

That’s why I’m standing outside the front doors of the rehab center, staring up at the big glass windows.

There are a few people inside staring out at me, and instantly I feel out of place. I’m not one to get ruffled, though, so I pull my shoulders back, lift my chin up, open the door, and step in before I can talk myself out of it.

A few people stop what they’re doing and look my way. I smile at them and look around the room.

There’s an information desk with four people in line. I’m about to get in the back of that line when I freeze.

This is crazy.

I don’t chase men. That’s not what I do or who I am. And if Jason wanted to see me, he could have tracked me down easily. He could have gotten a message to me through Davis and Abby or even gotten my number by calling the shop. But he didn’t do any of those things. And what am I doing? Showing up at his door like I’m some kind of stalker. My God, why didn’t I just take the hint?

I pull my bag farther up my shoulder and turn on my heel, ready to go out the door I just came in.

“Hey, Olivia.”

I wince before I even turn around. Davis Jones. I throw a hand up and look at him with a nod. “Hey, Davis. How’s it going?”

He’s in full uniform, navy blue head to toe with a patch that says security on top of his heart. “Good. How you doing?”

I keep moving toward the exit. “I was just leaving… it’s good to see you.”

I’m backing out the door when Davis laughs. “My fiancée was right. I’ll never hear the end of it.”

Damn. Davis is the big silent type, but of course now, when I’m trying to get the heck outta Dodge, he decides he wants to have a conversation. “Oh yeah, right about what?”

He crosses his arms over his barrel of a chest. “She said you were coming today, but she also said you would chicken out.”

My mouth drops. Abby is supposed to be one of my very best friends. I broke down at the book club meeting the other night and told them about what I was thinking of doing today. Of course, they encouraged me. Even Abby, who is usually the voice of reason, said I should do this. Of all my friends, she’s the last one I’d expect to call me out. I’m going to be sure to talk to her about this. “I’m not chickening out… I came to my senses, that's all.”

He just nods his head. “Yeah, she said you usually talk yourself out of things that are good for you.”

I blow a puff of air, and my bangs go flying as I mutter, “Good for me… I’m not so sure about that.”

He gestures his head toward a hallway. “Follow me.”

He starts to walk, but I’m not budging. My legs feel like lead, and I can’t even manage putting one in front of the other. “Follow you where, exactly?”

He stops and looks at me over his shoulder. “Jason’s over at the apartments.”

I still don’t move. “Yeah, uh, I don’t want to bother him at his house. I’ll just go.”

I turn around and get through the door before I hear Davis lumbering behind me. “Olivia, stop.”

I turn and put my hand on my hip. “Bossy, much?”

He just laughs. “Abby said you were a spitfire. Look, I hate this shit. This is not who I am, but you’re here, and even though Jason’s got his head up his ass, I know he’d want to see you.”

I cross my arms over my chest. I’m not easily swayed, but I am curious. “Oh yeah? Why do you think he wants to see me? He sure hasn’t reached out to me in the last three weeks, so you can’t blame me for not wanting to just run and track him down.”

He stares at me with a frown. If it was any other man, I’d probably be intimidated by that look but not on Davis. I’ve seen this guy turn to mush any time Abby or her daughter are around, so I know he’s harmless. He grits his teeth, obviously having some kind of inner debate. When I don’t think he’s going to answer, I am about to go, but he stops me. “He hasn’t been the same since he saw you. Look, you’re one of my fiancée’s best friends. You think I’m going to fuck with you and do something to upset you? No, because I will never do anything to hurt Abby. So can you just do this? You won’t regret it.”


