Dark Hope – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 155
Estimated words: 142916 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 715(@200wpm)___ 572(@250wpm)___ 476(@300wpm)

“An hour until sunset,” she murmured aloud. She wondered if she could reach him. She had no idea if he could help her while he lay in his paralyzed state, but she had to try for her mother’s sake.

Benedek. She reached out to him. Tentatively, at first. When she sent the call, the shrubs outside reacted as if she’d summoned them. Every bush and flower, even the trees, went on alert, going against the wind to shift their limbs toward the house. Listening. Ready to convey to the underground communication center exactly what she needed.

She tried a second time, this time with much more confidence. The mycelium network running beneath the ground connecting the trees and plants would carry her request to him. Benedek. I’m so sorry to disturb you. I have need of you. She just managed not to choke on the words. She’d never acknowledged needing a man in her life.

There was a brief pause, and then she felt the stirring in her mind. He poured into her with surprising strength.

I am not just any man, sivamet. I am your lifemate. I want you to turn to me when you have any need.

Relief poured into her. Filled her, the way his strength and comfort had. He was alive. He had managed to answer her when he shouldn’t have been able to. How is it you can be alert?

I am ancient and… He hesitated. More. I’ve become more. I have learned ways to safeguard myself and my lifemate from those who would betray our resting place. Tell me what you need.

Silke kept her gaze fixed out the window. She was beginning to become uneasy. The plants continued to be alert, but she noticed a disturbance on the outer perimeter, just outside the gates leading to the inner circles. The plants began to wave in agitation, looking as if the wind were wild and blowing them first one way and then the next.

My mother is very distressed because I’m unable to eat or drink. She feels it is very necessary for me to keep my strength up. I’m trying, but I can’t seem to get anything down. Is it possible for you to aid me?

Yes. Sunset is close and I will be with you soon. For now, I am going to help you eat and drink. It is easiest if you allow me to take over, but I will respect your wishes.

She had no idea how difficult it was for him to maintain their connection even with the underground mycelium network aiding him. She had also bridged that gap between them, but there were barriers surrounding him and she wasn’t that strong.

The plants in the outer circle, inside the gate, were behaving erratically. Her warning system was shrieking at her. Trouble was coming their way. This was why Fenja thought it imperative she eat and drink something. It was why there was honey on the table and in her tea. She had to put her trust in Benedek that he would only aid her to eat.

Yes, you take over, and let’s get it done. She tried not to show him her concern that they were about to be invaded by something from the underworld. That was what it felt like to her. She hoped he would concentrate on her anxiety over eating rather than the coming problem. She wasn’t nearly as anxious over the approach of what she was certain was a demon. She had no problems finding the strength and intelligence to outwit one of Lilith’s creations.

The next thing she knew the teacup was empty. Three crackers and the slices of cheese with jam and honeycomb were nothing but crumbs. She didn’t have the sensation of time passing, but Fenja was at the window staring out, and warning bells were shrieking at Silke.

“Would you mind clearing the table while I deal with the intruders?” Silke asked her mother as she rose. Her pack containing her weapons was never far from her, and she retrieved it and strapped it on. She added a long cloak with loops and pockets containing more weapons and sacred water.

“No problem, Silke. Be careful. This one is different.”

“Must be Castello,” Silke replied.

She felt the earth tremble, a signal that her plants and the stones didn’t like the intruder moving so freely toward the house.

“He isn’t alone. He has Ese Jordan with him and Noah Visser.”

That wasn’t good news. Visser was a policeman. If he had come with Castello, the visit would be made official. Visser had a partner, Gerrit Bakker, who was never far from him. She stretched her senses, looking for him. Bakker was studying the cameras scattered around the yard, along the fence and in the trees. She had already taken care of the cameras, making certain they were in good working order and looked as if they’d never been tampered with.


