Damnable Grace Read Online Tillie Cole (Hades Hangmen #5)

Categories Genre: Biker, Crime, Dark, Drama, MC, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Hades Hangmen Series by Tillie Cole

Total pages in book: 144
Estimated words: 130761 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 654(@200wpm)___ 523(@250wpm)___ 436(@300wpm)

“You texted me to sort this out. So that’s what I’m fucking doing.”

Phebe’s hand came to the driver’s side window and started hammering on the glass. She was shouting some shit I couldn’t decipher, trying to get out, screaming like a fucking banshee. Ky watched her as she almost broke the glass in rage. “You think Li is gonna just be okay with me letting you take her sister?”

“You know how to deal with her like this? You know how to deal with a damn junkie? One who’s insistent on trying to fuck her way through the club, cock by cock?” My patience was running thin. Phebe moved to her ass and started kicking at the window with her feet. I heard the seal break; she was about two seconds from shattering the glass. “You got a kid to worry about now. Let this bitch be my problem.” My jaw clenched, and I felt a blade stab in my chest. “Fuck knows I’ve dealt with shit like this before.”

I didn’t wait for Ky’s response. I opened the door and pushed inside. Phebe’s hands came raining down on me as she tried to fight. Taking hold of her arms, I pushed her down into her seat and met her furious face. “You fucking stay there. Don’t push me, bitch. Don’t fucking push me.”

Her skin was damp with sweat, and she was panting hard. If looks could kill I’d have been ash in seconds. Taking advantage of her brief stillness, I turned on the engine and pulled out of the lot. I hit the dirt path at a stupid speed and focused on getting the hell back to my cabin. It didn’t take the rabid bitch long to attack again. Practically climbing across the console, she sliced her nails down my arms and neck. I kept my eyes on the road, not giving one fuck about the blood she was drawing. The only time I reacted at all was when she sliced four fingers down my cheek.

I pushed her back until she was in her seat, out of breath and eyes glazed from too much fucking liquor. I turned into the clearing and slammed the truck into park. She was out of the passenger side door before I could even move. I flew out of my door and sprinted after her ass as she fled for the trees. I reached her in no time and threw her thin body over my shoulder. Phebe clawed at my back. “Let me go,” she spat, pounding her fists on my shoulder blades.

I opened the door to my cabin and locked us inside. I put her down on the floor. She staggered back as she righted herself. The light from the kitchen was brighter than the bar, and I took a good look at her eyes. The whites were dull and her eyelids were hooded. Black makeup had smudged around her eyes, making her look like a damn raccoon.

“Calm the fuck down,” I ordered.

Phebe’s pale skin reddened as she fumed on the spot. I stood my ground, folding my arms across my chest. Then the bitch struck. Her hand sliced across my face. And this time there was fucking force behind it. My head snapped to the side. I’d had enough. Moving forward, I pushed her back to the wall of the hallway. “I swear to God, bitch, I’ll break you if you do that again,” I hissed, getting right in her face.

She spat at my cheek. “Let me go!” I could smell the liquor on her breath.

“Why, so you can go fuck some greasy asshole? So you can get your pussy filled, like the fucking whore that you are?”

“Yes!” she screamed, fighting against my hold. When she couldn’t get free, she brought her face closer and smiled coldly. “I like to be fucked. I like to come. I like dick, and I love nothing more than having someone stick their cock in my mouth then come down my throat.” The anger that been simmering inside me flared up at the shitty words coming out of her mouth. “And you weren’t so opposed to my pussy the other night,” she taunted. She reached out and bit my earlobe. Bit it fucking hard. I yanked my head back, and she laughed right in my face. “When I had your cock in my mouth, then deep inside of me. I rode you and I made you scream.”

My hands shook on her arms as I battled not to hold her too tight. “You wanna be fucked that bad, slut? You want me rip into you and make you scream?”

“Yes,” she shouted and tore one of her arms free. She didn’t hit me like I thought she would. Instead her eyelids lowered, and she ran her hand down my stomach until it landed at my cock. She met my eyes and I met hers, and we both just fucking froze. Adrenaline and anger mixed in my veins. I heard the clock ticking in my kitchen and the sound of my AC kicking in. I heard Phebe’s too-fast breathing. She stared. I stared. And I wasn’t too sure who moved first, but one minute I was awash with seething anger, about ready to blow my shit and kick her ass, the next, her mouth was on mine and her tits were right against my chest and my dick was hard.


