Daddy Unleashed – Montana Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Kink Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 152
Estimated words: 155037 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 775(@200wpm)___ 620(@250wpm)___ 517(@300wpm)

“You . . . we . . . you’re all coming with me!”

“No, we’re not,” Simon said. “We rarely see our sister. We’re staying.”

“I’ll show you out.” Remy ushered her dad out. Judy turned at the last moment to give her a sad smile. But she left too.

Then she was faced with her brothers. They crossed their arms over their chests and stared down at her.

“He really made you feel like that?” Rusty asked.

She wiped at her eyes as Loki wrapped his arms around her. “I know he’s been a good dad to you guys. But yeah . . . he’s always made me feel like I’m not enough. I know he wanted a boy. I thought after you guys were born, maybe he’d appreciate me. But I’ve always known I’m a disappointment to him.”

“Don’t say that about yourself.” Simon pointed at her with a scowl.

“Bet mom never went against him, either,” Rusty said bitterly.

“Don’t let me ruin your relationship with them,” she said hastily. “I know they’re different with you.”

“Shut up,” Bryant said, reaching out to pull her into a hug.

“Yeah, not everything is about you, Bumble,” Simon added.

“Don’t call me Bumble!” she cried as Simon messed up her hair. “Stop!”

“Still don’t know what I think about you with two men,” Rusty said, scowling at her men. When had Remy returned?

That meant her dad was really gone?

It’s a good thing.

“You don’t get to say anything about it,” she told him firmly. “They’re my men. My life. And I’m the oldest. I can do what I like.”

All three of the assholes burst into laughter.

“You know what?” Rusty said. “I think we’ll just have to stay and make sure that our sister is being well taken care of.”

Simon grinned. “You’re right. It’s the only way.”

Bryant jumped on the sofa. “What’s for dinner?”

Have brothers, they said . . . it would be fun, they said . . .

Well, who was they? Because she wanted to kick their asses.

She sat huddled under a blanket eating a bag of chocolate chip cookies that she’d snuck out of her house before her brothers could sniff them out.


They were going to eat her out of house and home.

And she loved it.

The ladder squeaked and Loki appeared at the top of the treehouse platform. He climbed in and crawled over to her, getting under the blanket.

“This feels like déjà vu.”

“Except this time, I’m running away from my brothers, not my dad.”

Although a bit of it was about her dad. Her brothers told her that someone had called him. They’d told him about her relationship with Remy and Loki.

Her money was on Gary. The fucker.

The ladder squeaked again, and Remy appeared. He climbed in and sat on the other side of her. She handed them both a cookie.

They ate in silence for a while.

“Sorry, I wasn’t running away. Just needed a minute to think. My brothers are . . .”

“Loud?” Loki said.

“Obnoxious?” Remy added.

“Little shits?” Loki said.

“Yeah, they’re all of those things. But I still love them.”

“They’re good men,” Remy said. “They love you.”

“And don’t worry,” Loki told her. “If they outstay their welcome, I’ll just fill up the bath.”

“The bath?” Remy asked.

“Yeah, the outside one.”

Where Loki liked to bathe naked.

She started to giggle and they hugged her tight.

“It’s all right to need some space,” Loki told her. “As long as you always come home.”

“How could I not when that’s where the two of you are? And that’s the only place I’ll ever want to be.”


