Craving Rose Read online Nicole Jacquelyn (Aces’ Sons #5)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Aces' Sons Series by Nicole Jacquelyn

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 90827 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 454(@200wpm)___ 363(@250wpm)___ 303(@300wpm)

“I’ll run like my ass is on fire,” he said with a huff of laughter. “Stay put. Don’t wanna have to go lookin’ for you in the dark.”

“Where would I go?” I asked, throwing my hands in the air. “We’re in the fucking woods.”

He shot me a grin and then jogged off. As soon as I couldn’t see him anymore I used my phone to light my way as I climbed into the tent. I’d just pulled my boots and jeans off when I heard him come back.

“You really did run—” I said as I stepped back out of the tent. My words cut off instantly. “What are you doing here?”

“You know, I figured you guys were fuckin’,” Copper slurred. “But I was pretty surprised to see ya here.”

“You need to leave,” I replied, crossing my arms over my chest. Standing there in only my shirt and underwear made me feel vulnerable in a way I really didn’t like. “Go, before Mack gets back.”

“You think it’s cool to just fuck your way through the members?” he said as if I hadn’t spoken. “I mean, yeah, club whores do that shit—but I thought you were different.”

“Go, Copper,” I ordered, trying to keep my voice firm as he sneered at me.

“Daddy’s little princess,” he mocked. “Drinks with the boys like it’s nothin’, hangs at the club like she belongs there.”

“Seriously, Copper,” I snapped. “Get the fuck outta here.”

“Your dad know you get on your knees for any dick in sight?” he snapped, taking a step forward. “Maybe he should hear what you’re really like.”

“Try it,” I hissed. My fight or flight response was working overdrive, and I’d never been one to run away. “Say something to my dad. The minute my name came out of your mouth, it would be the last thing you said.”

“So fuckin’ tough,” he said, moving a little closer to me. “When you got your idiot brothers and your dad up your ass all the time, fightin’ your battles.”

“Fuck you, needle dick,” I shot back. “And get the fuck out of here.”

He came at me quickly, but I was ready. Adrenaline was racing through me as I braced for impact, knowing that he was either going to hit me or tackle me, and either one would hurt. But before he got within a foot from me, Mack was there, like a wall between me and Copper.

“You motherfuckin’ idiot,” Mack said darkly. The only sounds after that were the noise a fist makes as it connects with flesh.

It wasn’t even a fight. Mack went at him with a singular purpose, and Copper didn’t even manage a single swing. I let out a shaky breath as Copper hit the ground, completely knocked out.

“Did he touch you?” Mack asked, spinning toward me. His hands cupped the sides of my head as he searched for injuries.

“No,” I said quickly, shaking my head. “No, he was just being an ass.”

Mack nodded. “Put some clothes on,” he barked.

I flinched at his tone, but didn’t say anything as I went for my clothes. Once I was fully dressed again, Mack silently pulled me back toward the party.

“Rose?” my mom asked as we reached my parents. “What’s wrong? You’re white as a sheet.”

“Dragon,” Mack said, letting go of my hand. “A word?”

I’d never felt so alone as when Mack strode away from me, my dad and Dragon on his heels. As my mom’s face filled my vision, her worried eyes searching mine, my teeth began to chatter and my whole body started to shake.

I was not going to cry.

Chapter 10


“He’s wearin’ a patch,” Dragon reminded me as we stomped back into the woods. “Either of you go off half-cocked, I’ll have your heads.”

“I fuckin’ barely made it in time,” I replied through gritted teeth. I couldn’t get my jaw to loosen no matter how hard I tried. “If it woulda taken me a few more minutes—”

“Knew that fucker was stupid,” Grease muttered. “Didn’t know he was suicidal.”

Both men went silent at his words.

“Fuck,” Grease said. “Sorry, Mack. Poor fuckin’ choice of words.”

“Forget it,” I replied, brushing him off. His words were the least of my worries.

“You heard what he was sayin’ to her?” Dragon asked.

“Just the last bit. I started runnin’ when I realized he was there.”

“What did he say?”

I glanced at Grease and shook my head. “Not repeatin’ it.”

“Pissed she got shot of him?” Grease asked.

“Pissed he can’t take his shit out on her anymore,” I replied, increasing my pace. “Pissed she’s with a man that won’t let him.”

When we got to our camping spot, the motherfucker was gone.

“Thought you knocked him out?” Dragon said.

“I did,” I confirmed. “Checked his breathin’ to make sure he wasn’t dead, he was so out.”

“Jesus,” Grease mumbled. “Where the fuck did he go? We didn’t pass him on the way out here.”


