Craving Molly Read Online Nicole Jacquelyn (The Aces’ Sons, #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, New Adult Tags Authors: Series: The Aces' Sons Series by Nicole Jacquelyn

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 92441 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 462(@200wpm)___ 370(@250wpm)___ 308(@300wpm)

“Not just the surgery,” Hulk said with a nod. “Molly’s been through some shit. Needs her man with her, not ridin’ across the state.”

“They need to pay for this shit,” I said, digging my fingers into my tired eyes. “Needed to make it happen.”

“How’s that workin’ out for ya?” Rock asked from behind me.

“Fuck off, Rocky,” I shot back. If it wasn’t for his shit, we wouldn’t even be on the Russians’ radar.

“Head on back,” my dad said, interrupting us with a jerk of his head. “We got this.”

“You sure?”

“Boy, we been doin’ this since before you were a twitch in Grease’s pants,” Dragon replied, scoffing. “Good to have ya, but pretty sure we can handle it without ya.”

“I was givin’ you another hour before I beat some sense into ya,” Hulk said quietly. “You see your woman come runnin’ out of the clubhouse when we left? Need to take care of your family, man.”

“You’ll let me know when you got ’em?” I asked. As I put my helmet back on, I was already regretting my decision. I was itching to get back to Molly and Rebel, but the urge to find those fuckers hadn’t gone away.

“Send you a picture,” my dad said with a wide grin. The rest of the guys chuckled.

I gave him a nod and fired up my bike, turning it toward home. I didn’t watch them leave. I couldn’t. They were going to take care of my business. Those men were mine. They’d fucked with my woman and kid. I should have been the one to teach them a lesson. Instead, I was riding away from them.

The closer I got to Eugene, the more anxious I was to get there. I knew Molly’s appointment had already started, and I had no idea if they’d had to knock her out or not. The idea of her getting that bone set or waking up without me there made nausea rise in my gut.

“Will?” Amy asked, getting to her feet as I strode into the waiting room. “What happened?”

I gave her a small smile and leaned in to kiss her cheek when I reached her. She was a good woman. She’d come into the family when I was a kid and had stepped right into a grandmother role like she’d been there the whole time.

“Nothin’ happened,” I replied gruffly. “Molly in with the doc?”

“Yeah, we got here late, so they had to fit her into another slot,” she said with a nod. “They just took her back.”

“Thanks,” I said. I was already walking toward the receptionist’s desk.

After a full minute of arguing with the woman, I ignored her squawking and rounded the desk. They didn’t keep the door locked to the back offices, so I just walked right in.

It only took me a couple seconds to find her.

“Hey, baby,” I called as I pushed the door to her room open. She was sitting on the hospital bed, her arm completely unwrapped and looking like shit, and she was sweating like she’d just run a mile.

“Will?” she said in surprise, her voice shaking. “What’re you doing here?”

“You’re here,” I said simply. As soon as I reached her, she leaned against me heavily, breathing a sigh of relief. The nausea in my gut disappeared.

“I’m freaking out a little,” she said, tipping her head back to look at me.

“Why?” I murmured, leaning down a little to kiss her. She tasted good, like always, but I didn’t like the way her swollen lips felt. They didn’t feel like hers. I’d never say that out loud, though.

“I’ve got a low tolerance for pain,” she replied ruefully, her lips pulling up into a crooked grin.

“You had a baby,” I reminded her with a laugh. “You can handle gettin’ your arm set. Piece a’cake. They numb it and it’s over in a minute.”

“You broke your arm when we were eleven, right?” she asked. Her legs were practically bouncing against the side of her bed, and her good hand was jittery where it wrapped around my back.

“Yep,” I answered. “Took off on my dirt bike, even though I was told not to—” Molly laughed. “—and wiped out in less than ten minutes. Pretty sure if I hadn’t walked back to the clubhouse with my arm danglin’ at an angle, my dad woulda beat the hell outta me.”

“Why weren’t you supposed to be riding?” she asked distractedly. I was pretty sure she just wanted me to talk so she didn’t have to think about getting her arm fixed. Poor baby.

“Dad had been workin’ on it and the handlebars weren’t tight,” I confessed.

“Oh, no.”

“Oh, no is right. Fuckin’ stupid kid mistake.” I rubbed my hand against her back, trying to get her to relax a little. She was stiff as a board. “Funny thing about the whole thing was my mom gave my dad hell about it. Askin’ why he hadn’t finished the project and shit before I got ahold of it.”


