Craving His Virgin Mate (Poison Wolves MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Fantasy/Sci-fi, MC, Paranormal, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Poison Wolves MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 44098 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 220(@200wpm)___ 176(@250wpm)___ 147(@300wpm)

The bike started up and she jumped as it did.

It’s fine, Agatha, you’re not going to die.

She held onto Boyan a little tighter, not wanting to let him go.

He feels nice.

Agatha pressed her face against his back and breathed him in. The scent of leather was strong, but there was also another underlying scent that captured her senses and made her press her face against his back. He smelled earthy, which was crazy. It was like he was freedom and adventure wrapped in a package, and she couldn’t imagine why she was thinking that. It was insane to even … no, feelings didn’t have scents. This had to be the grief of losing her parents or something.

The ride wasn’t long and Agatha didn’t know why they couldn’t have walked. She expected to go to a town hall, or somewhere official. Instead, they arrived at a building with metal gates, that also seemed to have barbed wire across the top of each metal spike. There was a “Poison Wolves MC” sign on the side, as well as their emblem.

Boyan brought the bike to a stop and Agatha didn’t waste any time in climbing off. They hadn’t been on the bike long enough, but she did feel a quiver in her thighs. That was fine. Everything was fine.

She tried to ignore her intrigue of Boyan. He didn’t need to know that her nipples were rock-hard and she felt an answering warmth between her thighs. At twenty-five years old, she was a virgin. Men back home and even boys growing up hadn’t held any appeal to her. They’d been immature and stupid. Not all men, but the ones that seemed to want to take her on a date had all been wrong. Giggling, joking males that she wasn’t attracted to.

Boyan didn’t giggle. He was tall, a lot taller than her, and even though he wore a leather jacket, she knew he had thick muscles as the leather struggled to keep them contained. He looked serious and in control, like nothing would ever phase him. Even if he did seem to run out after she told him a little about her life. She had added that little detail about him to the charm of the town.

Boyan took her hand and Agatha didn’t have time to take a second to enjoy the feel of him touching her. They stepped into the clubhouse and she went on high alert as there were a lot of men there. Amelia had talked about the clubhouse briefly, but she didn’t see any sign of the other woman. In fact, she didn’t see signs of any other woman.

“Mayor Alpha,” Boyan said. “This is Agatha, the woman you wanted to see to apologize for how the town has been treating her.”

She turned her attention to Mayor Alpha. What a strange name. He was the biggest man in the room, even larger than Boyan. One look at him and she had a feeling she knew why he was in charge. Not who she imagined to be Mayor.

Agatha smiled at him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mayor … Alpha.” That was his name?

Just another thing to add to the growing strange list.

“Agatha Preston.”

She nodded her head. Did she need to bow? “You have a lovely town.” There was no way she was going to tell him that she found it a little strange, including the people. Not exactly the kind of thing you told the mayor.

She looked into his eyes; they seemed cold. A dark brown with hints of a golden hue. They were not like eyes she’d ever seen before, and as soon as she looked at him, she didn’t want to look away. They were mesmerizing. She was so captured by his gaze it was impossible to look away. Who would want to look away?

I do, because they’re freaking scary.

So why the fuck couldn’t she?

Chapter Five

Boyan felt Alpha working his magic on Agatha. So far, she’d been able to reject the calling, but he felt her body ripple. Something was happening to Agatha, he didn’t know what. His own wolf was crashing against the surface of his body, threatening to escape. He didn’t like that Alpha was touching Agatha.

It was just a holding of the hand, but it was sending his wolf into overdrive. He had to keep taking deep breaths. There was no way he would be able to walk away. Breathing in and out, he tried to calm his wolf.

Get his fucking hands off her.



She’s mine.

I want her.


He ignored the call that screamed in his mind. He saw Alpha frown as Agatha suddenly pulled her hand away.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to you exploring this town and I hope we will meet again soon.”

Agatha nodded at him.

“I’ve got to take her to work,” Boyan said.


