Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

“I can’t help it. It hurts but…” She rolled her hips and my cock lurched inside her. I didn’t realize that I’d been holding my breath until I was in her up to the point where the cock ring met her pussy lips. But now that I had finally breeched her and her blood was on my cock I was able to breathe easy.

“You ready little one?” I brushed her hair back and looked down into her tear-drenched eyes. “So brave.” I complimented her when she nodded her head and smiled. “I’m going to move now, tell me if you hurt too much.”

I went in and pulled out halfway, being as careful as I could not to tear her. I used short easy strokes to loosen her up a bit, fighting back my body’s natural need to just pound away at the nice tight pussy beneath me. I used my fingers on her clit to tease more of her juices from her body while taking one of her nipples between my teeth.

I bit down hard as I surged in a little harder than before. Her body answered mine and she groaned in renewed pleasure. I worked her body until there was no more tension and she told me without words that the pain had lessened by digging her nails into me and drawing me closer. I pulled out almost all the way until just the head of my cock split her. “I’m gonna do you harder now.”

Looking down between us, I went back in slowly at first, lifting her ass in my hands so that I could fuck into her deep. I saw her blood running down the length of my cock and my vision blurred as my heart swelled in my chest. “Mine!” The word was a feral growl that came from the very depths of me, seconds before I lost all control.

Her cries were of pleasure mixed with pain as I pounded into her over and over. I whispered words of love and encouragement in her ear as she screamed, moaned and groaned. My teeth and tongue found all the places I had learned, as I left my mark all over her, from her neck to her tits.

“Cum for me Gem.” I needed her to cum because I was so close and with all the newly awakened emotions running rampant through me I wouldn’t be able to hold back my own release much longer. I couldn’t stay in her as long as I wanted, there will be time for that later. But the blood on my cock demanded that I take care of her now. My hunger will have to wait.

I helped her over the edge with a fingertip at the entrance to her ass teasing her. She tightened around my cock and lifted off the bed trying to get even closer. The chains around her ankles kept her legs from moving up and around me, and it frustrated her.

She bit my chest and pulled my hair hard as she led my mouth to hers for the wildest kiss we’d ever shared. Her pussy twitched and moved around my cock like a breathing living thing as I emptied inside her. She made this sound that I’d never heard come from her before and I reared back to look down at her to make sure she was okay.

Her eyes had rolled back in her head, her mouth was open wide and the sound was that of a mate in heat being satisfied. Her body shook hard enough in the aftermath to rattle her chains. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, and my heart swelled with pleasurable pride that she was finally totally and unequivocally mine.

Her skin was so sensitive that I could barely touch her without setting her off, but as much as my cock was enjoying the little aftershocks I knew I had to pull out of her now or do more damage than I had already done.

“Next time I’ll give you more of my cock.” I’d read up on that shit for her too. I’d never given any woman all of me, had thought at one time that it was damn near impossible. But for her, the one woman I’d ever felt the need to give my all to in every way I had found a way that had promised not to move her insides out of place.

My cock fell out of her with a plop and though he was still semi-hard I ignored it. I untied and massaged her legs while she laid back with a half smile on her face. “I’m going to run you a bath baby don’t move okay.”

In the bathroom, I ran her a hot bath and added some healing salts and herbs to the water. That was a little trick I’d learned in the desert, not that I’d ever used it before, and back then didn’t think I would ever have need to. Now I was glad I’d listened.

Back in the bedroom, I leaned over her half sleeping form and brought her awake with a kiss to her pliant lips before lifting her from the bed. I put her in the water and sat next to the tub so I could tend to her before going for my own shower.

It was a point of pride for me to see her blood staining my cock, to know that for once in my life I had something, someone that was truly mine. Before this, I was ready to slay dragons for her, now that I’ve had her, I would take on the world to protect her, to keep her safe from harm.

I kept my promise and was very careful with her as I lifted her from the water and rubbed her skin dry. She was barely standing straight, and I noticed she was a lot clingier than usual. Her hands followed me, playing with my chest, holding me close when I was trying to rub lotion into her skin, until I took each of them in mine and kissed the palms.


