Conquered – A Sci-Fi MFMM Romance Read Online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 43296 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 216(@200wpm)___ 173(@250wpm)___ 144(@300wpm)

“If she accepts us, gently, brothers. Very gently,” Erak said right before he brought his mug to his lips and finished off his brew. Once the nearly nude females left them in peace, Erak leaned back and watched them saunter over to the other patrons.

There were species of every kind in the bar, and as entertaining as this night had been thus far, he needed to find Luna before his dick burst.

He shook his head because he was thinking far too hard. Luna still hadn’t surfaced, so he lifted his mug and gestured to another waitress for another round.

Moments later, a Belladem female, a humanoid species with grey tinted skin and bright blue hair, arrived at their table.

“For the fierce Aktulla males.” The Belladem said and set down three mugs of ale in front of them.

Lingering for several seconds, she stood on the other side of their table, and when they continued to stay silent, she spoke once more.

“Will you not sample what I offer?” Her voice was a feminine purr of suggestion. She lifted her breasts in a show of display, and because the mounds were so large and her black tongue so long, she easily wrapped the muscle around one of her hard nipples.

“Not tonight.”

She frowned but nodded and left.

“Erak, I don’t know about you, but I need to fuck, and the one I want hasn’t returned from the back,” Genet said, his voice strained.

“I agree. My cock is hard as steel for that little human. I think we should go back there and get her.” Raimi reached down and adjusted himself.

Erak agreed with both of his brothers, but going after her was not an option.

“Scaring her into submitting to us is not an option. She was hesitant when all three of us showed an interest earlier. Clearly, she is not accustomed to that, and I’m not about to corner her. I want her just as badly as you two, but she needs to come to us willingly. Has that not the way it has been with our kind?”

The only problem was, could he uphold his own words and stay away from sweet, sweet Luna?

Chapter Eight


Luna leaned against the wall and took one more deep breath. She needed to get back out there before Maximo came looking for her.

She didn’t know how long she had been in the storage room, maybe but a few moments, but it was enough time to enrage Maximo, that she was certain of.

With her mind made up on what she was going to do about the Asek warriors, she steeled herself and pushed away from the wall.

Before she could return to the Aktullas table, the door beside her banged open, and she whirled around.

“Ah, there you are, princess.” Maximo shut the door behind him and grinned. Thin lips stretched over his decaying teeth. “Hiding, are you?”

“No.” She straightened her shoulders and glared at him. He was by her in the next instant, his stench surrounding her.

“I think you were. I think that is exactly what you were doing, Luna.” He reached up and gripped the back of her neck, trying to pull her closer.

She used all her strength to hold her ground. “You see, the Aktullas won’t even purchase you for the night, and they don’t care what species of female they bed.” He leaned in closer and ran his nose up her cheek.

A revolting shiver raced up her spine.

“If I can’t sell you, then what good are you but wiping up tables and warming my bed?”

The slimy feel of his tongue along her temple had her squeezing her eyes shut. She pushed him away, but he was stronger than she was. It was a damn shame that most species were physically superior to humans.

“You steal from me, and now, I can’t even sell you to make up the cost. I guess I’ll just have to take out your payment in the form of sexual favors.”

“No.” She tried to push him away again, but he moved closer until her hands were sandwiched between their bodies.

“Wrong word, princess, and one I don’t particularly like anyway.” His species was humanoid in appearance, but that was where their similarities ended. His kind was cruel and disgusting, degrading and appalling.

“Let me go, Maximo, or I’ll scream.” His chuckle was anything but humorous.

“Go ahead. No one can hear you with all the noise. And besides, you think they care? Remember where you are, princess, and that to everyone else, you are nothing but a whore to be used and discarded.”

His vile words brushed over the surface of her body, but didn’t penetrate her soul. She had lived with cruel words, hateful actions, and all forms of abuse from every part of this planet.

The ones who had cared for her had been the only light in this darkened world, and she missed that warmth terribly.


