Compel Read Online Rachel Van Dyken

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Forbidden, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 84072 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 420(@200wpm)___ 336(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

Chapter Twenty-One


“How is she today?” He was in a foul mood after losing yet another patient, a young werewolf he’d found on the outskirts of town, a rather fortuitous occurrence. Then again, it was normal for the supernaturals to be attracted to Orca Cove—so much power radiated from that small town, and the orcas did nothing but multiply that by seven so anyone or anything that got close responded to the draw.

Anyone too damn curious for their own good.

“Nothing’s changed.” The nurse gave him a pitiful smile and left the room like she always did.

Her pale white hair hung glossy past her waist, never changing.

Her white skin was nearly translucent as she lay there, her breathing even, her eyes closed.

One day they would open.

One day.

He looked over his shoulder and grabbed a small vial of the serum, and shot it into her IV.

It glowed with faint yellows and silvers.

And just like before, it brought life to her skin, a rosy hue to her cheeks and lips.

One day he would inject her, and she would open her eyes and thank him for breaking all the rules.

After all, it wasn’t his fault she was trapped in this state.

It was her fault.

For loving someone who didn’t love her back.

And for being caught in the crossfire of magic.

Benjamin had no idea that his anger at killing his first love would spread through the forests, hitting random trees and people.

Hitting Jasper’s daughter square in the chest while she spied on the man she loved, Aengus Wells, as he gave his body to someone else.

Jasper would never forgive the Wells family.

And he would never forgive himself for not being more protective of the sensual pull the Wells men had on women.

He would end this.

And the Wells family would pay dearly.

“Where were we, hmm?” He pulled up a chair. “Now, the evil prince knew what he was doing was wrong, but he was curious, you see, and he was determined to fight for his one true love…”

Chapter Twenty-Two


Her breathing was labored as she lay on my bed, her skin pale. I hated that I was the cause of so much and that my blood still yearned for her, just like my heart and soul were in pieces at her feet. I would worship her everything—if she’d let me.

“Any changes?” Aengus poked his head in.

“Aren’t you supposed to be seducing the good mayor?” I asked without looking at him.

“Right, well, I got an earful on how you’re helping with the festival, and I think she sighed at least a dozen times before handing me a packet and asking if you were free for dinner.”

I smirked. “Your poor ego.”

“I feel quite offended.” He walked farther into the room and tossed a packet onto the bed. “Your assignments for the festival. She stopped off at the bookstore, but Luna was already gone, apparently ready to jump into the icy cold water for a swim.”

I cringed. “She didn’t jump; she fell.”

“I know. I was just trying to make you feel better.” He stared at her in awe. “She’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen.”

“Mine,” I barked.

He held up his hands. “Yes, and look what your love does to her. Over and over again… By the way, the mayor’s very tight-lipped about anything supernatural. I asked her one small question about a possible curse on the town itself, and she told me to go fuck myself. I asked her to do the honors, and she slapped me—I think I’m making progress.”

I rolled my eyes. “Told you she’d be tough.”

“Yup, which means you’re up!”

“I don’t want to be up.”

“And yet… you are.” He grinned. “At the festival you can pick her brain. Oh, I had enough of her scent to get into that head of hers while she dreams. That is if she dreams. She could be all locked up.”

“For Luna’s sake, I hope not.” Her full lips were a pale pink; I wanted them to be red again, full of life. I wanted to stop being the one thing that both killed her and saved her with one touch.

I raked my hands through my hair.

With a jolt she sat straight up, nearly knocking our heads together. “Where am I?”

“Shhh…” I tucked the blanket around her. “You’re safe.”

Her eyes went from mine to Aengus’s. “YOU!”

“Uh-oh.” He grinned. “Hi there.”

“You kissed me!” She jabbed a finger toward him. “But I was dreaming and…” Her frown deepened. “I wasn’t dreaming, was I?”

“Oh, you were,” he practically purred. “Care to try it again?”

“Care to lose your head?” I snapped.

“So sensitive, my brother.”

“Brother?” she shrieked.

“Is this the part where I introduce myself?” Aengus asked.

“What’s this about?” Her eyes were zoned in his dark green hair. “It should look like a hot mess, but—”

“Instead, it looks like hotness itself. Yes, I’m aware.” Aengus grinned.

Luna turned her attention to me. “Do you have the same mom? Ugh!” She put a hand to her forehead. “I’m sorry that’s such a rude question.”


