Collect the Pieces – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

“Long day?”

“It was…a lot.” I don’t want to bring Daniel up again, but I think Jigsaw understands.

He holds out his hand. “Come on. Let’s get dinner.”

“Ugh.” I glance down at my stodgy outfit. “I need to change.”

Rooster’s waiting outside the office with Jigsaw. “You guys can come upstairs.” I glance up at Jigsaw. “Maybe Gretel would like to meet Rooster.”

Jigsaw chuckles. “Okay.”

Rooster frowns in confusion.

“Oh, you didn’t tell Rooster you hijacked my cat?” I tease as I head for the stairs.

“I didn’t hijack her.” Jigsaw laughs. “She just has good taste in humans.”


Rooster follows slowly behind me.

I turn and stare at him a few steps below. “I’m not gonna ask you to join us for a three-way, bro.”

He snaps his head up and frowns at me. “Maybe I don’t want her dad pissed if he finds us both up here.”

“Dad really doesn’t venture up here that often,” Margot calls down. “As for any other concerns, Jigsaw’s already more than I can handle. Besides, I like Shelby way too much to invite you into my bedroom.”

Rooster’s eyebrows shoot up and he lets out a deep rumble of laughter. “Christ, you two are perfect for each other,” he mutters.

I hurry up the last few stairs and wrap my arms around Margot’s waist as she punches in the code to her apartment. “Am I too much for you?” I ask against her ear.

“I love every…” She lowers her gaze and her lips curve into a playful smile. “Second.”

We push into the apartment, and Rooster follows us inside.

“I made more cookies after you left.” Margot points to the kitchen. “And brought a plate up just for you. They’re in the fridge.”

In between tending to a busy service and dealing with her ex, she somehow found time to set aside cookies for me? “Thank you.”

“I’m going to change.” She squeezes my hand. “Help yourself to anything you want. There’s coffee in the cabinet above the coffee maker.”

“I got it.” I glance at Rooster and nod to one of the stools at the counter.

Margot hurries into her bedroom and I head into the kitchen in search of the cookies.

In the fridge, there’s a small black-and-white plate stacked with chocolate chip cookies and covered with plastic wrap.

“Get in my belly,” I sing to the cookies as I flip the cover back and grab one off the plate, stuffing it in my mouth.

“They’re so good,” I mumble, spraying crumbs everywhere.

I plop the plate on the counter in front of Rooster. He lifts an eyebrow.

“What? You like cookies.”

“Yeah,” he answers slowly, reaching for one. “I don’t sing to them, though.”

He takes a bite and nods approvingly. “So, are we going to talk about that guy?” He keeps his voice low. “What’s the deal?”

Cookie chunks lodge in my throat. I cough and take a sip of water. “I don’t know.”

“Better find out. He seems like a real asshole.”

I don’t want to share my suspicions when Margot’s only a few rooms away. “No shit.”

Gretel scurries into the kitchen and lets out a loud, “Mwraar” as she twines herself around my legs.

“Hey, girl.” I bend down to pick her up and she purrs so hard, her sleek, fuzzy little body vibrates against my hands.

Rooster stares at me like I’ve grown an extra head.

“What?” I turn the cat toward him. “Gretel, don’t be scared. He’s all doodle-do and very little cock-a.”

Gretel head-butts me and rubs her head against my chin as if she agrees whole-heartedly with my nonsense joke.

Rooster reaches out a hand, letting it hover in the air. “Can I pet her, or will she attack me?”

“I don’t know.” I walk around to the other side of the counter. “Let’s find out.”

“She hasn’t attacked anyone, yet!” Margot calls out from somewhere down the hallway.

“That’s reassuring,” Rooster mutters, eyeing Gretel with suspicion. He hesitates, then slowly extends his hand. The cat gives it a cautious sniff before rubbing her head against his fingers, purring louder.

“Gretel approves,” I announce loud enough for Margot to hear.

He pets her for a few seconds, and then she returns to rubbing her head on my chin.

He huffs. “Do you sneak her extra treats or something?”

“Don’t be jealous.” I shrug and set Gretel down. “I’ve always told you females of all species find me charming.”

Rooster rolls his eyes. “Margot’s such a saint.”

Yes, but I’ve taught her how to be a good little sinner.

He glances around the apartment, his gaze skipping over the long bookcase taking up an entire wall. “This is nice up here.”

“Were you worried I was spending all my time in the cold room downstairs?” I glance over my shoulder and lower my voice. “With the bodies?”

He pauses for a few too many beats. “No.”

Somewhere in the back of the apartment water rushes from the shower into the tub. I force myself not to salivate and hunt Margot down in the shower. Instead, I grab another cookie off the plate and set it on a napkin, then break off a piece. “Where do you want to grab dinner?” I pop the piece of cookie in my mouth, savoring the sweet, chocolaty chewiness.


