Collect the Pieces – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

“Awww!” Some of the guys heckle Lilly for being too soft.

“I mean, I knew I was cold—down there.” Birch gestures to his crotch again. “I should’ve checked sooner.”

“Probably the first cock granny had seen in years,” Hustler says. “Shocked her.”

“Probably the ugliest too.” Stash grins. “Gave the poor old gal nightmares.”

“So, after she yelled at you, what happened next?” Hope asks.

“Are you sure you don’t miss being a lawyer?” Wrath lifts his chin at Hope.

“What?” She gestures with one hand toward Birch. “I need the mental image of him standing there in the freezing cold with his privates on display resolved in my head.” She taps a finger against her temple.

“We all need it scrubbed from our brains,” Rock says in a dry tone.

“This is so much worse than the time I went to Chemistry class with the back of my skirt tucked into my tights.” Heidi huffs a laugh.

“Thank you for the acknowledgments of my suffering, ladies.” Birch nods at Lilly, Hope, and Heidi. “Okay, so I’m standing there, staring at my poor chilly willy, a teeny, tiny icicle dangling from the head.”

A few of the guys hiss in a pained breath or murmur “ouch” while the rest of us titter with laughter.

“I tried to turn and tuck myself away, but I slid…” Birch waves his arms in the air like he’s teetering on a ledge, trying to catch his balance, “…and fell in the snow dick-first.”

Another chorus of sputtering laughter pops off around us.

“I’m not ashamed to admit, I started crying at this point,” Birch says in a fuck it tone. “My zipper was wide open, so not only was my dick cold but now all this snow and ice got pushed up against my balls.” His body trembles with a violent shiver.

“It just keeps getting worse,” I whisper to Jigsaw.

He hums a sound close to agreement. “I never knew Birch was this dramatic.”

Birch grins wide as his brothers hurl jokes at him. “Yeah, yeah. I finally dug myself out, tucked my dick away, took off my sweatshirt, and tied it around my waist.”

“Phew. That’s what I needed to hear,” Hope says. “Thank you!”

Birch glances at Lilly. “You’re right. I think when Grandma realized I hadn’t been doing the pervy swagger up the sidewalk on purpose, she took pity on me. Invited me in, gave me a pair of too-small sweatpants to wear, and fed me breakfast.”

“Awww, see, that’s what I was hoping happened,” Lilly says.

Birch dips his chin. “She fixed the pants for me too.”

“Bet the granddaughter told the whole school,” Jigsaw shouts. “And never looked at you again.”

Next to us, a short snort of laughter pops out of Rooster.

“Look at you so confidently wrong.” Birch raises on his toes and points to Jigsaw. “I totally got with her in the spring.” Birch winks. “I think her grandma told her I was well hung, and she should give me a test ride.”

“Gross,” Shelby moans.

“Bullshit!” Eazy shouts. “You went one too far.”

“That’s Eazy,” Jigsaw whispers to me. “He’s a member of my charter downstate.”

I nod quickly. “I remember talking to him at Teller’s wedding.” My cheeks flame hot. “I wasn’t that stoned.”

Jigsaw shifts his body and clears his throat. “Yeah.”

The air around us seems to change.

While the party carries on, I turn and roll until I’m kneeling between Jigsaw’s outstretched legs. I rest one hand on his thigh. He drops his gaze to my thumb slowly stroking the rough denim of his jeans.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Nothing.” He lifts his chin toward something behind me. “He thought you were cute.”

Is he still talking about Eazy? “So?”

He swallows hard and stares into my eyes. “I never wanted to punch a brother so much in my life when I saw him talking to you.”

“Yeah.” I duck my head and laugh softly. “It was kind of obvious when you walked up and kicked him.”

“Since I didn’t give you an answer right away, I was worried you might ask him to…you know…” he lowers his voice and leans in closer, whispering against my ear, “tutor you.”

His warm breath sends a shiver of pleasure down my spine. A second later the words that came out of his mouth penetrate my brain.

I sit back on my heels and scowl at him. “Why would you think that?”

Did he assume I was so desperate I’d ask any random biker to help me?

He frowns and shrugs.

No way. I don’t want him to think anyone else would’ve made me happy. “I asked you because I liked you.”

He stares at me for a few seconds, studying my face in a way that squeezes my chest. “Yeah, I know that now.”

“Good.” I poke a finger in his stomach, and he grinds his teeth like he’s trying to hold in his laughter. “Are you ticklish?”

“What? No.”

I tap my fingers along his side. “Are you sure?”


