Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)
Out of the corner of my eye, a flash of green catches my attention.
“Jiggy?” Hope lightly touches my arm, stopping me from hurling more insults at Rooster.
Even though I’m rethinking staying for breakfast—I’ll always make time for Rock’s wife.
“Greetings, upstate First Lady.” With an exaggerated flourish, I press my hand over my stomach and dip my head in an overly dramatic bow. “How may I help you?”
“Christ,” Rooster mutters.
“Don’t be jealous.” I elbow him in the ribs. “No one’s interested in your big, bearded face.”
Hope mashes her lips together, but a snort of laughter slips out.
“I’ll see you in the dining room.” Rooster slaps my shoulder.
Hope says goodbye without taking her eyes off me.
“I’m not used to having the full force of your attention focused on me, First Lady,” I say once Rooster’s vacated the area. “What’s on your mind?”
Her pink lips tilt with amusement. “Are you still bringing Margot to the bonfire this weekend?”
I should’ve known mama bear would be excited that another one of her cubs has found a mate.
“That’s the plan,” I confirm. “She’s trying to find someone to cover the whole weekend. But if nothing else, definitely Friday night.”
Hope’s forehead creases. “It must be hard for her to take time off.”
“It is. She’s looking forward to this.”
“Since the party’s here, it should be…” She waves her hand in the air like she’s searching for the right word.
“Free of muffler bunnies?” I add helpfully.
She rolls her eyes and blows out an annoyed huff. “For the most part, yes.”
I jam my hands in my pockets and check out the toes of my scuffed boots. “I already warned her.”
“Well…” Her voice wavers for so long, I lift my gaze. Her lips are curved into an amused smile but her gaze shifts to something or someone behind me. “That’s more than I had before my first clubhouse party, so that’s very kind of you.”
“What’s that, baby doll?” Rock steps up behind Hope and slides his arms around her waist, hugging her close.
No need to stake your claim in front of me, Prez.
He whispers something against her ear that sounds awful close to, “Do you need me to take you upstairs?”
Pink spreads over Hope’s cheeks but she leans into him, murmuring, “Maybe.”
For fuck’s sake. Don’t married couples usually fuck all their horniness out of themselves by now?
I clear my throat—loudly. “Ah, Hope was giving me some info about the bonfire.”
“Yes.” She pats Rock’s arm that’s still firmly curled around her waist. “I was trying to reassure him that there won’t be a pack of muffler bunnies roaming around the clubhouse to ambush Margot her first time visiting us here.”
Rock groans and briefly closes his eyes. “Were you now?”
She nods quickly.
Rock’s so overprotective of Hope, I can’t picture him throwing her to some of the she-wolves who used to hang around the MC without any warning. Then again, ol’ lady of the president has a lot more responsibility than most ol’ ladies. Old-school brothers like Rock and Wrath could’ve decided to test Hope to see how she’d handle herself. On second thought, Wrath would come up with some twisted test, for sure. Big fucker has a sadistic streak wider than the Grand Canyon.
Margot…she’s stronger than she looks. Brave as hell underneath her sweet exterior. Still, the thought of anyone fucking with her for shits and giggles turns my thoughts down a rage-fueled path.
“I know you’re not sure about the whole weekend,” Hope says. “But are you at least staying Friday night?”
“I’d like to.” As long as Margot’s comfortable and having a good time.
“I’ll make sure there’s a room available for you two.” Hope lifts her chin toward the staircase. “Or, if she’s not comfortable here, our guest room is open.”
Rock side-eyes her but doesn’t say anything.
I’d rather sleep outside and take my chances with the bears roaming through the woods, than sleep under Rock’s roof. It’s well-known that our upstate president values his privacy, and I have no intention of being the asshole invading it.
“I won’t keep you.” Hope squeezes my arm. “Go get breakfast. Or razz Rooster. Whatever you usually do for fun.”
“I think I’ll mix it up and razz Rooster while eating breakfast today.” I grin at her.
She returns the smile. “Good plan.”
“Thanks for keeping your knife in its sheath.” Rock pierces me with a stern stare. Not a trace of amusement to be found on his granite-cold face.
Fuck me, he’s never gonna let that one go, is he?
Instead of reminding him I came here today like a good little soldier to keep the club informed, I vacate the area.
I head down the long, empty hall to the dining room. The hum of lively—and vulgar—conversation drifts toward me before I even reach the swinging doors.
But my appetite’s already fading.
I’ll have Margot with me here this weekend.
The last time she was around the whole club was Teller’s wedding and she spent most of the night baked out of her mind on Sparky’s brownies.