Collect the Pieces – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

His expression doesn’t change. “It sounds like they wanted to confirm he had a drug problem and when they couldn’t find her right away, they needed to talk to some people so they could check it off their list.” He throws a quick glance toward the front door. “Sounds like you could’ve been one of the last few people in the area to see her.”

“Oh, I guess that makes sense.” I blow out a relieved breath. My heart slows and the panic wrapped around my lungs slowly unravels. “How can you be so level-headed and calm?”

He raises his eyebrows. “You sounded calm. Kept things polite and professional. The right amount of interested and mildly annoyed.”

“Great, so I guess I’ve nailed the recipe for talking to the cops.”

“Yup.” He grins at me.

“Why are you so…strangely happy about that?”

“It’s a useful skill to have.” He glances down at me and his smile fades. “Real talk? Ol’ ladies get hassled by the cops from time to time just for being involved with a member of an MC.”

How unfair. “Yes, I got that from their ‘warning’ to me outside. Why, though?”

He tilts his head and gives me a let’s be serious stare. “To get dirt on the club. Doesn’t really happen around here. We try to maintain a good relationship with law enforcement in our territory. But they’ve approached some of our ol’ ladies when we’ve been on the road and stuff.” He shrugs as if it’s a minor inconvenience. “You handled yourself well, that’s all.”

I poke his chest. “I told you I’m good at keeping secrets. My dad was always friendly with the old Wolf Knights’ president, so I didn’t care for them talking about them that way, either.”

He lifts his chin and slowly nods as if he’s had some great revelation.

“What?” I ask.

“Nothing. I wondered how Teller and your dad crossed paths.”

I blink, not understanding the connection.

“Upstate’s had an alliance with the Wolf Knights for years. They came to Teller when they decided to leave Slater County.”

“Oh.” The bell at the back door rings, halting our conversation. “It’s probably the flower delivery.” I pat his chest. “I have to get that.”

“Okay.” He sweeps his arm in front of him, as if asking me to lead the way.

“I deal with them all the time,” I say over my shoulder. “You don’t have to follow me.”

“I don’t like that you’re here all by yourself.”

“I’m usually not,” I grumble, reaching for the door and twisting the knob as the bell rings again.

The man on the other side has a large wreath of white roses in one hand and the easel display stand in the other. “Morning, Margot.” He flashes a quick, friendly smile, then his gaze shifts over my shoulder and his lips flatten. “Uh, the Lewis arrangement.” He nods to the wreath.

I can only imagine Jigsaw standing behind me scowling at Carl.

“Hi, Carl. Come on in.” I open the screen door for him, and he turns sideways to enter.

“Morning,” he says to Jigsaw.

Jigsaw dips his chin but doesn’t respond.

I shoot him a glare, then follow Carl to the parlor. He sets the arrangement near the podium. I’ll probably have to move it later but for now, it works. “Thank you.”

“Not a problem.” He slaps his hands together, dusting off his palms. “The daughter called and made several changes. I hope we got it right.”

I sigh. She should’ve called me and I would’ve handled it. “It’s lovely. I’m sure she’ll be pleased.”

He flicks his gaze to Jigsaw again, hovering behind me like my personal bouncer.

“I’ve got one more,” Carl says. “I’ll be right back.”

I wait until Carl’s footsteps pound over the back porch, then turn to Jigsaw. “Must you hover behind me glaring at everyone?”

“You didn’t introduce me.”

“I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to.”

His expression remains steady and possessive. “I want you to.”

My heart jumps. “You do?”

“Fuck yeah I do.” His voice is low but firm.

Warmth fills my chest. “You want me to introduce you as my boyfriend?”


“Jigsaw or Jensen?”

His lips quirk. “I’m not crazy about people outside the MC world calling me by my road name.” He brushes his fingers against my shoulder. “Except you.”

Carl’s footsteps clatter over the back porch again. I straighten as he reappears with the second arrangement, carefully maneuvering through the door. “Same place?” he asks.

“Yes, please.” Still giddy over Jigsaw’s request but needing to do my job, I follow Carl, directing him where to place the arrangement.

When he’s finished, he dusts off his hands and hands me a small electronic signature pad to confirm I received the arrangements. While I’m scrawling my name across the screen, Carl’s body shifts.

“Are you new to Cedarwood?” he asks Jigsaw.

“No.” I hand the stylus and pad back to Carl. “Forgive my rudeness, Carl, this is my boyfriend, Jensen.”

Carl’s jaw drops but he recovers quickly, sticking his hand out. “Nice to, uh, meet you.”


