Coldhearted Boss Read online R.S. Grey

Categories Genre: New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96077 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

I nod and toss a wave toward Camille. Ethan tries to step away from her, but she clings to his arm and offers him a rueful grin. “Sorry, I’m just scared I’m going to roll an ankle out here.”

We all glance down at her shoes and I realize that, yes, she is going to roll an ankle, because wedge heels are about the dumbest type of footwear you could wear into the middle of the forest. The only thing worse would have been stilettos.

Ethan clears his throat and I can sense he’s uncomfortable, but he doesn’t argue and he doesn’t leave her side. I guess he’s ever the perfect gentleman as long as it has nothing to do with me.

“And well, you already know me, and you definitely know Ethan,” Isla says, emphasizing that word enough to ensure everyone’s ears perk up, intrigued by the insinuation.

“He’s my boss,” I say lightly, like it’s nothing more, nothing less.

Camille’s brow arches and her sly grin widens even more. “So you’re a construction worker?”

She finds the idea so genuinely pleasing, she’s practically frothing at the mouth.

“Oh, I wish. I did try to work with the crew,” I say, shooting her a playful smile. “But Ethan stole my hard hat my first day on the site and forced me to take an office job instead.”

The group laughs, Isla most of all, but it’s clear by Camille’s barely concealed sneer that she didn’t like my answer. She wanted me to be embarrassed and flustered by her, but I steel my spine and prepare for more of her taunts. I wonder what she’d say if she knew that before this job, I worked as a motel maid. I doubt she’d even let me shake her hand for fear I’d get germs on her delicate, manicured fingers.

“Not very nice of you, Ethan,” Tanner points out teasingly, coming to my defense. “Why’d you do that?”

I finally meet Ethan’s eyes, surprised to see that the hatred I expected to find is absent. When our gazes meet, his expression softens, almost like he’s pleased. For once!

“He was scared I’d be too good with a hammer,” I answer for him, aiming a private smile his way. “Didn’t want me intimidating the rest of the crew.”

There’s more laughter while Ethan raises his brow, making my stomach dip. That haughty, teasing expression paired with his ruggedly chiseled features makes me feel no steadier on my feet than Camille. Soon, I’ll need to ask to lean on his other arm.

Isla claps her hands, drawing everyone’s attention to her.

“Well, now that everyone knows everyone…Ethan, would you mind telling us where we should put our stuff? I want to freshen up before dinner.”

Freshen up?

She looks adorable in her jean shorts and light blue blouse. I’m the one who needs to freshen up, and by freshen up, I mean scrub off the ten layers of dirt caked on my body.

“I told you there is no place to freshen up,” Ethan says sharply. “That’s why I had Brody and Jace bring their tents. You guys are camping.”

I speak up quickly, wanting to be helpful. “You’re welcome to use our cabin. It won’t fit everyone, but—”

“No,” Ethan says, cutting me off.

He probably doesn’t want them sleeping on his bed, but he’ll have to get over it.

“I washed the bedding today so at least two people can sleep in there, maybe more…” I cast a quick glance to Jace and Alice. If they’re going to stay fused like that all night, they could easily share one bunk.

“Perfect!” Isla says, grinning. “I’ll stay in the cabin with Taylor, and—”

I shake my head. “Oh no!” I realize I’m protesting too vehemently and drawing curious stares. My tone softens as I continue, “I’d just rather someone else have my bunk.”

“Great. I’ll take it,” Camille says quickly, sounding very relieved to be escaping a night spent in a pitched tent.

Isla’s smile fades momentarily, but then she’s back to playing hostess again. “Well, that works out. Taylor, Camille, and I will stay in the cabin. Everyone else will camp.”

I don’t know why she’s trying to include me here. Now that introductions are complete, I should be hurrying away to grab my things. I still need to strip a bed in one of the bunkhouses and wash the sheets. I’d rather not be doing laundry in the middle of the night.

The group splits apart as the couples and Tanner go to grab their tents so they can set them up in the clearing by the fire pit. Ethan tries to step away from Camille, having forgotten his oh-so-important duty as her crutch, but she emits a little helpless whine, like a small pampered pet.

Isla groans and stomps over to grab Camille’s other arm, throwing it over her shoulder like she’s a wounded soldier. “There, now, lean on me. As soon as we get to the cabin, you’re taking off those shoes.”


