Clash of the Nannies (Turf Wars #5) Read Online Bella Jewel

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Contemporary, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Turf Wars Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 61900 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 310(@200wpm)___ 248(@250wpm)___ 206(@300wpm)

This mess isn’t going to be easily cleaned up.

I reach for some toilet paper to clean it up only to find ... there is none.

They took it all. Every hand towel, every roll of toilet paper, even the fucking floor mats. They made sure there was absolutely nothing left for me to clean it up with. My cheeks burn as I stare at the sopping wet floor, the mess of a toilet, and my soaked dress. I don’t know what to do. I can’t call Gabby, or Eve, or anyone because they’ll never get in.

There is only one person who can get in here, and it’s Hugh.

I take my phone from my purse I placed on the sink and dial Hugh’s number, my voice croaking in horror and shame when he answers.

“What’s happened? What’s goin’ on? You okay?”

“I’m at the country club,” I whisper, “those girls ... played a prank on me and now I’m stuck in the toilet and I don’t know what to do.”

“What did they fuckin’ do, I swear to god ...”

“They put cling film over the toilet,” I say, clenching my eyes shut as I’m forced to tell Hugh what happened, “and then they took all of the toilet paper, the hand towels, anything I can use to clean it up. I was busting to pee and, it’s on my dress, Hugh, I can’t go back out there ...”

“It’s okay. Hey, nothin’ to be ashamed of. Here’s what you’re goin’ to do. Take your dress off and use it to clean up. Do the best you can, use water if you have to. Then, you’re goin’ to find somewhere to hide until I get there. Sneak out, but find somewhere.”

“What if they’re waiting for me?”

“Then you fuckin’ walk out with your head held high and you give them the grin of their fuckin’ lives as you flaunt that gorgeous body and pretend like nothing has happened. Then, you find a place to hide and call me.”

“What about Star? She’s down with the nannies.”

“I’ll call Delilah. Don’t worry about that. I’ll be there soon.”

I hang up, take a deep breath, and then I unzip my dress, taking it off and using it to clean up. It takes me a while, and during that time there are a few knocks on the door. I can only hope and pray that the nannies can’t wait outside because it would look too suspicious. I take a shaky breath when I’m done, and stuff my dress into the bin before opening the door and peering out. It’s clear.

I take a step out, and glance down the hall.

There are a few supply closets halfway down.

I run for it, finding one that is unlocked and slipping inside. I close the door and press my back against the wall, exhaling and texting Hugh where I am. He responds that he’s on his way and Delilah has Star, so not to worry. I hope he didn’t tell her what happened. I crouch down, covering my bare skin as I wait. Feeling more than a little horrified at the entire situation.

I probably deserved it, but at the same time, if they weren’t so horrible to begin with then none of this would have happened.

They started this, but I’m sure as hell going to finish it.

After that, it’s on.

Voices can be heard outside of the closet, and I press my ear against the door to see if it’s Hugh, but I quickly figure out it isn’t. It is the voices of two men, and what they’re talking about has my blood running cold.

“Did she see anything?”

“No, she didn’t, but she’s suspicious. She knew the girl, and she knows the girl was with me, so she’s asking questions.”

“Morris, if she fucking finds out what we’re doing, everything will come crashing down. You know what this means?”

“She’s my fuckin’ sister ...”

“She could destroy everything we have. We have no choice. Sell her, or deal with her, one way or another, she’s asking too many questions and we can’t have that. The last girl we sold very nearly had us fucking caught when she got away. If that happens again, we’re done.”

I swallow, feeling sick to my stomach at their conversation.

I’ve heard the rumors, everyone in town has. These men, these powerful rich men, are said to be linked to the missing girls that have been disappearing for a very long time around here, but, money talks and they’re high up, nobody has been able to get any sort of proof.

“Can’t kill her, man, she’s blood.”

“Then we sell her.”


“No choice. Too risky. You should have fuckin’ known better than to be seen with that girl, especially considering she went missing not long after. It was a fuckin’ rookie error on your part, and now you’re going to pay the ultimate price. Line it up, we need to make this as quick and painless as we can. Big money in expensive bitches like your sister.”


