Claiming You (How to Marry a Billionaire #4) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77551 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 388(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

“I was shocked, speechless even,” I confess with a small laugh. “But then he looked up at me with his gorgeous dark eyes, and I just nodded. I didn’t even say yes. I just nodded and cried.”

Emily’s smile widens. “That sounds so romantic.”

I shrug. “It was. At the time, I thought I had everything I wanted. Until he screwed me over for a stripper.”

“What do you want now?” Emily asks. “From Brett, I mean.”

I let out a chuckle. “Fidelity would be a good start.”

Emily lets out a soft laugh. “Fair enough.”

“But more than that,” I continue, “I just want respect, honesty and love... especially love.” I pause. “Leroy used to lavish me with things. I don’t need grand gestures or expensive gifts, and I know that’s ironic because Brett has way more money than Leroy could ever hope of having. I just want someone who cares about me, really cares. Someone who is there for me when I need him the most.”

“That doesn’t sound like too much to ask for,” Emily says.

“I thought so too.” I let out a sigh. “But it seems like it’s hard to find.”

“Do you think Brett can give you those things?”

“This is going to sound ridiculous,” I say, “since Brett and I really have only just met, but yes, I think he can. We seem to get each other in a way Leroy and I never did.”

“Sounds like you’ve found something special then.”

“I hope so,” I reply. “It’s so different with Brett. We just... click, you know? And the sex...” I warm, remembering our recent encounter.

Emily chuckles softly. “Well, that certainly doesn’t hurt.”

We sit in a comfortable silence for a few moments before Emily asks, “Do you think you may have rushed into this?”

I ponder her question. “Maybe,” I admit. “But it doesn’t feel that way.”

Emily nods at my answer. “You know, Sienna, love isn’t about how fast or slow we fall into it. It’s about how deep we’re willing to dive and stay submerged in it.”

Her words resonate with me deeply, but I sense a different meaning in them. “Emily...”


“Are you...having feelings for one of the men?”

She doesn’t reply, but her cheeks turn a telltale rose.

“Sebastian?” I ask.

“Oh! Good God, no.”

“Who then?” I clamp my hand to my mouth. “Not that bartender.”

“No, not Zion, though his cock is lovely.”

“It is.” I smile, remembering. “I think I had about ten orgasms in twenty-four hours when I first got here. I look back now, and I see I was trying to drown out the pain of losing Leroy with pleasure. Did it work? To an extent. But it also made me realize that I wanted something more, something different, something real. And when I saw Leroy again, I knew it wasn’t him.”

Emily nods knowingly. “And you’ve found it in Brett.”

“Yes. And I say yes with all my heart.”

“Like I said outside”—she smiles—“I’m happy for you. Bloody fucking ecstatic for you.”

Her words and tone sound sincere, but something is still off with her.

“Who is it?” I prod.

“It doesn’t matter,” she says.

“If it’s not Sebastian, and it’s not Brett... Oh, no! It’s not Alex, is it?”

“Alex? Certainly not.”

Only one billionaire is left, though it may not be him. Emily has made it clear that she’s willing to fraternize. Hell, I did it too. And there are many men here on staff.

But in her eyes, I see the truth.

It is a billionaire. The brooding cowboy. Brett’s best friend who is his complete opposite.

“It’s River,” I say softly.

“Who it is doesn’t matter,” she says succinctly, “because he doesn’t feel the same way about me.”

“Are you sure about that?” I ask.

She rises. “I’m certainly not going to make myself miserable over a man. Come on. Let’s go find Ariel and help out with her wedding plans.”

I stand and give her a hug. “Yeah,” I say. “Let’s.”




Alex and I are dressed and ready to go downstairs. I don’t know who was at the door before our shower, but I suppose it wasn’t urgent.

Once we’re in the kitchen, Emily and Sienna rush in.

“Ariel,” Emily says, “Sienna and I want to help any way we can with your wedding. Just tell us what you need.”

I smile and grab Emily in a hug. “That’s great! But honestly, Evangeline is handling everything. I don’t even⁠—”

I gasp as the front door opens and a staff member helps two women into the mansion. “Oh my God!” I grab Alex’s arm. “It’s my mama. And my bestie, Jazz!”

I drag Alex out of the kitchen to the foyer, where Mama and Jazz are smiling.

“Ariel!” Mama exclaims, throwing her arms wide open as I rush into them.

Jazz stands beside her with a wide grin, her warmth lighting up the room.

Mama pulls back. “Look at you!” she says, laughter bubbling in her voice. “You’re glowing like an angel!”

“I’ve missed you so much,” I tell them, tears brimming in my eyes. “And I’m so glad you’re here.”


