Claiming You (How to Marry a Billionaire #4) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77551 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 388(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

“The thong too, Emily,” he growls again. “I want to see that beautiful British pussy. Or do you say quim?”

No one uses that word anymore, but instead of telling him that, “Call it whatever you want, as long as you get your mouth on it. Now.”

He steps back, and instead of touching me like I asked, he rakes his gaze over all of me. “The thong,” he demands again.

I slowly slide the panty over my hips and thighs and kick it off.

He sucks in a breath.

I feel bold under his scrutiny, not embarrassed or shy, but empowered.

“Your turn,” I say, gesturing to his shirt.

He complies, and an instant later he stands naked with a lovely cock jutting forward, all hard and ready, so gorgeous as if it were made of flesh-colored marble.

But River...

I chew on my lower lip.

I do love him.

But my pussy is longing to be sucked, prodded, filled.

And Sebastian...

He needs me.

I see it again in those tormented eyes.

And in my way, I need him just as badly.




I first noticed feelings beyond friendship for Jake when I was thirteen.

Puberty is a challenge for boys. It’s like being tossed into a whirlwind of emotions, hormones, and sudden growth spurts. You’re stumbling through the chaos, trying to regain your footing and understand the newfound turbulence inside you. Your voice drops, and your muscles transform. Hair sprouts on your face, your armpits, your crotch, and it thickens on your arms and legs. It’s a fucking typhoon of ferocious and unfamiliar sensations.

I expected the feelings for girls to come—the appreciation of their curves, their softness. And it came. Oh, it came.

I didn’t expect to start noticing Jake in a new way.

Though I’d known River the longest and he and I were the closest of the five of us, something about Jake made me want to protect him. He and Seb lived on the west side of town. Wonderland. Sometimes they were hungry. Sometimes they were cold.

Seb was a tough motherfucker. He basically raised himself as his mother was a drunk. He didn’t need any protection. Just a meal a couple times a week, and he got that at Riv’s.

But Jake? Jake had a gentleness about him. He was like a lost puppy that you wanted to cuddle and take in from the rain.

When puberty started, I noticed how Jake’s eyes would crinkle at the edges when he laughed at one of my jokes. How his light hair would fall into his eyes—he never wore a hat—and how he’d absentmindedly push it back with his hand. But most importantly, I began to notice an unfamiliar warmth that would spread inside me whenever I was around him.

I didn’t call it love at first.

I still figured it was friendship, my need to keep him from harm.

I didn’t realize it was more until a year or so later, when he invaded my thoughts all the time. When his image popped up in my head when I was making out with a girl.

But he was head over heels in love with Marnie by then.

I watched from the sidelines as Jake—my Jake, because that’s how I thought of him—fell deeper and deeper into his affection for Marnie. Every coy smile she sent his way only served to tighten the knots in my stomach. The way she brushed her fingers against his arm, or how her eyes twinkled when he spoke. It all swept waves of jealousy over me like a merciless tide.

Marnie was beautiful. She had long curly hair the color of autumn leaves and a smile that could light up even the dreariest of rooms. Her laughter was infectious, and she carried an aura of sweetness that made everyone want to be around her. I couldn’t blame Jake for being drawn to her. Hell, I was too. Half the school was.

And she chose Jake.

My Jake.

It stung like salt in a wound. Watching them together was a constant reminder of what I couldn’t have. But I remained silent, choosing instead to keep my feelings hidden.


Jake took his own life.

His own fucking life. He went to his grave without ever knowing how much I loved him.

I suppressed my feelings. I had to in order to survive.

I dated a lot. Fucked a lot. I still loved girls. Loved getting it on with them. Never had feelings for another man. Even talked to a therapist for a while. Through that work, I discovered that I wasn’t gay, just in love with one particular guy. It happens, apparently. Sexual orientation is a fluid thing.

Still, I never really fell in love again.

Not until Sienna.

“Earth to Brett.”

I jerk out of my thoughts. Misty sits across from me.

God, she looks so much like Jake. Beautiful, wide-eyed, thick blond hair.

“Sorry,” I say.

“You said you’d tell me about my brother. What’s he like? Do you still keep in touch with him? How well did you know him?”


