Claimed (The Courtside King #2) Read Online Kora Knight

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Kink, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors: Series: The Courtside King Series by Kora Knight

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 116254 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

Breck cringed as those tassels met flesh. “That’s got to hurt.”

“He likes it,” Kai assured. “Remember, everything’s consensual.”

Breck seemed to ponder that as they continued on. Finally, they came to the exhibition room. A spacious enclosure with a large glass window. But unlike their last stop, no event was in progress. Again, they drew to a stop.

“Tomorrow night,” Kai murmured. “Right here. I recreate the suspension design I tested out on you.”

Breck shuttered his expression as he stared inside. Was, no doubt, envisioning Kai handling another man.

Kai pointed to the hardware attached to the ceiling. “I’ll be stringing him up from there.”

“And he’ll be naked,” Breck quietly presumed.

“Correct. Makes for a better show. That, and easy access for attendees once I’m done with the rig.”

Breck shifted his weight as if imagining it, then cleared his throat. “And where will I be while you’re doing your thing?”

“Wherever you want. Right up front. In the corner. As soon as I finish, I’ll join you to watch the fun.”

Breck lifted a brow. “You stick around for the festivities?” Lo and behold, there was amusement in his tone.

Kai grinned. “I do, but probably not for the reason you think. Safety precautions,” he clarified. “My models are completely defenseless. And sometimes guys can get rowdy. As it is, no one can participate if they’re under the influence.”

Breck nodded. “It’s nice that you look out for them.”

Kai smiled, “Of course,” then tipped his chin to the empty room. “So… Pretty self-explanatory. Any more questions about tomorrow night?”

Breck eyed the enclosure. Chewed his lip. “No… I think I’m cool.”

“Good.” Kai squeezed his hand. “Let’s head back downstairs.”

He turned to go but Breck stayed his hand.

“What about that?” He pointed to the District’s back wall, where two men were posted in front of huge double doors.

“Oh… That.” Kai eyed them. “That’s District Dungeon.” He chuckled. “You are so not ready to even contemplate that.”

Breck’s brows shot up behind his mask. “That bad?”

Kai grinned and started walking the other way. “Depends on your perspective. Most would say that good.”

Breck followed along, but kept glancing over his shoulder. “You ever go there?”

“Not often, no.”

“How come?”

Kai shrugged. “Not really my scene. A bit too dark.”

Breck eyed him. “Too dark. As in—”

“Don’t ask,” Kai laughed.


“Jeja.” He smirked. “Don’t worry. I’ll show you all the kink you can possibly handle. And more.”

— TEN —

They reached the escalator and headed back down to where the bulk of Dom District’s patrons were congregated. At the sub club or the bar or the strip joint and filling every pathway in between. Kai, however, had his sights set on The Castle. Was itching to get on the dance floor with Breck. To feel that agile body moving against his.

But as they stepped off the descending staircase, Breck gestured toward those portable structures. The room-size ones set up in the building’s open center. “You told me we’d check those out when we came back down.” His eyes flashed with curiosity. And expectation. And arousal. As if he sensed on some innate level that it’d be the best stop of the night.

And he wouldn’t be wrong. It most definitely was.

Kai tamped a grin as he led him over. “Welcome to Fantasy Isle. One of Dom District’s yearly exhibitions.” He stopped at the first of the constructs. All around it, spectators crowded close, their noses all but pressed against the thick tinted glass.

Breck tried to peer over them. He was tall but not super tall. “What’s it about?”

“Think virtual reality but with no simulations. The real McCoy.”

Breck looked at him, still not appearing to understand, then turned back and tried again to see inside. “Why’s it called Fantasy Isle?”

“Because the sets and scripts are based on specific fantasies. Those submitted by District members a few months in advance.”

“Okay… So they bring in a stage set and perform a skit. How’s that virtual reality?”

“Because it’s interactive. One of the characters in the ‘skit’ is a patron—who gets to enact the fantasy with a professional actor.”

Breck stilled and looked back at Kai. “No way. Just some guy from the crowd? While everyone and their mother frickin’ watches?”

“Right. Well, minus the mothers. No women are permitted inside The District.”

Breck smirked and rolled his eyes.

Kai laughed. “Besides, it’s two-way glass. They can’t see the crowds outside, nor can they hear them. The rooms are soundproof. To them, they’re as intimately alone as two people can get.”

“Or in this case, three people.” Breck gestured inside the structure. “Can’t see what they’re doing but there’s definitely a third.”

“Hmm.” Kai couldn’t see much either. “Come on. Gonna move us closer.”

He maneuvered them through the masses for a better look. A spot up front opened up so he quickly assumed it. A nice, unobstructed view of a prison cell and three inmates. Kai eyed the title of the act on the construct’s exterior. Negotiations: Sealing the Deal. Breck read it, too, then peered inside.


