Claimed by the Hitchhiker – Claimed Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Kink Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 23
Estimated words: 21317 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 107(@200wpm)___ 85(@250wpm)___ 71(@300wpm)

I back into the road and accelerate, the truck’s tires squealing in protest.

The Chief’s friend dug out some records and found several girls who sought help and complained about being locked up at the compound. No investigations were conducted. Cases were closed, and the reports chalked it up to minors running away from their mothers.

Fucking disgusting. Corrupt officials are second on my list of people I loathe, just next to criminals. Looking the other way just because you need money? They all deserve to go to hell.

I understand Dani’s earlier hesitation to come with me. It’s a lot for her to take in. I can still remember the fear and panic on her face when she wasn’t sure I was on her side, if she could count on me not to turn on her. Based on what she told me, it was a massive operation. To have something like that operating seamlessly for years, maybe even decades, her Father must have some big names on his speed dial.

This. This is why I didn’t think twice about working for the Chief. He’s incorruptible. He’s not rich, drives a ten-year-old sedan despite how he constantly badgers me about leaving my truck in the junkyard, and lives in the old Mediterranean. His wife is a teacher, and they have one kid in college.

Money’s most likely tight in their household.

But the last man who tried to bribe him with a couple of million dollars found himself locked up five minutes later. The Chief made lots of enemies that day but also earned massive respect from men like me, men who just wanted to make the world a better, safer place.

Dani’s Father is about to find out that his money won’t always buy him protection and freedom.

A few minutes away from the motel and a sudden, nagging feeling of unease creeps over me. My senses are on high alert, and I know something’s not right. I wasn’t kidding when I told Dani how much I relied on my intuition.

I see the motel’s sign, and a prickling starts at the back of my neck. Nothing’s unusual…yet.

Following my gut, I park and kill the engine at a fair distance. I left my gun with Dani, so I rummage in the truck and find a mallet and a six-inch wench. This will have to do.

I proceed on foot, seeking cover from the trees lining the road. Adrenaline surges through me, and I barely notice the sharp sting of branches against my face.

By the time I reach the motel, my leg muscles are screaming, chest heaving with exertion. I look up and growl through clenched teeth.

My blood freezes solid at the sight of three red Jeeps similar to the one Dani was driving. A bellow lodges in my throat, barbed wires coiling in my belly, but I tamp down the fury and try to force a sense of calm into my veins.

Dani needs me, so fighting angry is not an option. I cannot lose. I refuse to lose.

Three trucks. Six tall, lean men surrounding our room. One shadow in the backseat, who must be the Father. None of them have guns, at least from what I can see. And the realization of why makes something acidic rise in my chest.

They want her alive. They need her alive. Must be so they can still make use of her and force her to “graduate”. These sick pieces of shit. At least it’s going to be a fair fight. Doesn’t mean they won’t end up bloody and wishing they’re dead.

Stepping out of the bushes, I waste no time grabbing the one nearest me and hitting him with the mallet. The others whip their heads to me, and after seeing what happened to their buddy, yell and charge.

It’s fucking on.

They come at me all at once, and I have no time to think. I fight purely on instinct, punching one square in the jaw, kicking the other in the shin, breaking someone else’s kneecaps with the mallet.

Someone hits my clenched hand with a baseball bat, striking me with a sickening thud, and I hear the sound of breaking bones. Fuck! It almost blinds me, my fingers throbbing and pain radiating to my arm and shoulder.

Doesn’t matter. I still won’t let them get their hands on Dani. If they think they can overpower me, then they’ve never seen how a man fights when he’s running high on fury and desperation. And I’m full of both.

Four more bodies fall to the ground, leaving only me and the guy knocking on the door standing.

He points an accusing finger at me. “Who the fuck are you and what do you want with Dani?”

I smile, tasting something metallic on my tongue. “I’m not someone you want to mess with. You hurt Dani. You’re not getting off that easily.”

He must’ve seen something on my face because his Adam’s apple bobs up and down. I don’t doubt I look unhinged right now. Hell, I feel unhinged. “Give her to us and we’ll let you go.”


