Claimed by the Zandian Read online Renee Rose, Rebel West (Zandian Brides #6)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Zandian Brides Series by Renee Rose

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 55108 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 276(@200wpm)___ 220(@250wpm)___ 184(@300wpm)

“Strap in for take-off,” I say mechanically.

“No time, just go,” my captain barks, so I pull up on the controls and the ship shoots straight up. As the craft lurches, Drayk loses his hold on the female, or perhaps she fought her way out of his grip. Either way, her small body skitters across the craft and collides with me. My sensors register her size and shape. She seems to be a full-grown female, although quite small in size.

My arm instantly bands around her waist, and I pull her against me for stability. “Easy, there. I have you.” The words come automatically and surprise me. I’m not one to interact much with females. I’m defective, and therefore unmatable. In addition, my size and normally gruff manner frightens off females of almost all species.

Her body is soft, her scent pleasing, though tinged with blood and fear. It inexplicably makes my pulse quicken.

Any moment now and she will register my size and sightlessness and scream to be set free.

I hear her breath catch. To my shock and surprise, her fingers reach up and brush my horns.

Ah, veck. I shift in my seat as my dick and both horns simultaneously stiffen. If she had any idea what that does to a Zandian male, she would keep her fingers far, far away from my horns.

“You’re not a Mauk,” she says with surprise.

Ah. Drayk and Zane went in disguised as the Mauk species.

I should let her go now. We’re out of the planet’s lower airspace, heading out of Ocretion territory completely. The ship won’t lurch again.

And yet my arm remains firmly around her. “We’re Zandian.” My voice sounds deeper than normal.

Now she seems to come to her senses and pushes at me to be set free. I comply.

“Come, human,” Captain Drayk orders, catching the female’s arm.

I almost growl my irritation at the brusque way he handles her. But he’s the captain and I know he won’t harm them. I give a shake of my head to clear my senses.

It’s strange for me to be so affected by a female—human or any species.

“How are they?” All of my senses are on alert as I guide our ship past a gleaming nebula toward home, Zandia.

“Stable. Are we in safe airspace?”

“Yes. Jumped to hyper as soon as we cleared the upper airspace. No tails.” I scan the area. “No ships in our vicinity.”

“Good.” Captain Drayk’s voice is filled with relief. “Call Master Seke. I want to give him the news immediately.”

“Yes, Captain.” I establish the comm line. “Ship A4 with urgent message for Master Seke.”

“What is it?”

I enable the holo form-fill so my shipmates can see him.

“We have the young and she appears unharmed.” Captain Drayk speaks quickly, as if to allay any fears. “She’s… intact.” He swallows. “Mentally strained and suffering extreme anxiety, but… she’ll be all right.”

“Excellent news.” Master Seke, usually reticent, has a tinge of jubilance in his tone. “I will inform Dr. Daneth. When do you arrive?”

“In half a planet rotation.”

We disconnect and I consider the mission. We were sent at considerable political risk and expense, not for official Zandian business, but rather, on a personal mission for a human. The mate of one of the king’s top advisors. Zandians are known for honor and logic, but the emotions of the humans we’ve taken in have affected us all. Even for me, the satisfaction of this personal mission is just as great as any battle for Zandia. Perhaps greater.

“Do you suppose Dr. Daneth will tell his mate, Bayla, right now?” I imagine what is happening back on our planet. “How many solar cycles since she’s seen her daughter?” In my mind, a digital array of asteroids appears, and I adjust course to steer clear of them.

Drayk shakes his head. “I believe she was raised to be a breeder. Her babies were taken from her at birth. She never even knew them. I think he will tell her now, to mitigate anxiety and prepare her.”

I use my sensors to scan the area, and locate the two humans huddled together near the med pod. “The adult female is injured? I smelled her blood.”

“The female suffered a broken rib and punch to the face. They both have a healing pack. The grown female has an older leg injury that would require special attention from Dr. Daneth, if it were to be repaired.” Drayk chuckles. “I’m not laughing at their injuries,” he adds. “But your sense of smell just gets better all the time.

“Maybe one planet rotation I’ll be ready for battle.”

But I know that’s not true. Master Seke has told me more than once, in no uncertain terms, that I will never see battle. That my skills are invaluable elsewhere.

Drayk touches my shoulder. “We couldn’t have done this mission without you at the helm.” I know he means it. Still, I want to be beside him, going on-planet, fighting like a warrior, not just a pilot with special navigation skills. Not always the one waiting on board.


