Chosen by Love – Bellevue Bullies Read Online Toni Aleo

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 103721 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 519(@200wpm)___ 415(@250wpm)___ 346(@300wpm)

“I have no doubt you’ll do just that.” His proud grin leaves me a bit breathless, but I hide it well. “Let’s do some suicide drills, eh?”

To my surprise, Dawson doesn’t complain. But he does puke, which makes me feel like I won all around this morning.

Chapter Forty-Three


I get a weird vibe the moment I walk into the gymnastics house.

My teammates are giggling, grinning at me, and I feel like they are talking about me. I eye everyone very suspiciously before heading up the stairs to my room. When I hit the top stair, Shantae is coming out of her room.

Our gazes meet for a moment, and her brown eyes glimmer brightly. “It’s nice to see you happy.”

Her statement surprises the hell out of me, stunning me to silence as she moves past me and down the stairs in a hurry. I blink because…what just happened? That was weird. I shake my head and take out my key to unlock my door. When I push it open, though, I’m shocked in the doorway. Not only can I see my floor, but my room is full of black roses. Every clean surface has a vase of the black beauties, and soon, I’m out of breath. I look at my closet, and everything is hung up. There is no trash, no clutter, and if my key hadn’t worked, I’d almost think this wasn’t my room.

I step inside to see a note on my bed.


I cleaned, as you can tell. Last night, I was called to come over to do this for you so that the only clutter you have is just the thoughts in your head. Per your boyfriend’s request. Let’s try to keep it this way, okay?

Love you,


PS: See if you can find his Post-it notes.

I turn, looking up at my bulletin board, and soon my eyes find each teal Post-it note.

I love your mess.

I love your forgetfulness.

I love your wildness.

I love your determination.

I love your resilience.

I love your talent.

I love your laugh.

I love your lips.

I love the shape of you.

I love you. All of you.

And all the little things about you that drive me out of my mind.

As if the words weren’t sweet enough, they form a heart around all my other Post-its. My breath catches as I reread the words, my heart jumping into my throat. My lip starts to tremble as I sit back in my chair, unable to look away from each of his notes. Each one, a promise. Each one, his truth. He loves me, and God, do I love him. Tingles run through my body as I think back to how he cheered me on this morning. How he reassured me last night. How him being him is everything I’ve ever wanted and more.

Mine. Benson is mine.

Emotion scratches at my throat, but then my alarm goes off, signaling my meeting with my professor. I push aside my swooning heart and grab my computer, opening it and logging on to my Zoom app to meet with Dr. Willard. While I wait, I send Benson a quick text, and as I look around my super-clean room, tranquility floats through me. He always knows what I need, especially when I don’t realize it.

I whip my head to the computer when Dr. Willard appears on the screen. I smile brightly as we go over the latest paper I turned in. I had also turned in a revision to my outline, which I assume is the reason for this meeting.

“Ms. White, you’re my star student, and I know you will go on to be the most sought-after marketer. If I were lucky enough, I’d put you on my staff. But I know you’re meant for bigger things.”

I beam proudly. “Thank you, Dr. Willard.”

“You’re welcome. Having said that, though, I was surprised to see the revision. What happened to ending things with Mr. Jeannot for the data?”

That’s not happening.

Benson’s words cloud my thoughts. I swallow nervously. “I fell in love with him.”

Her eyes widen. “Oh. Well, that would definitely change things.”

“Drastically,” I agree. “Even if it was just for show, I refuse to put us through that when it’s unnecessary.”

“I agree, and from the insights, it’s safe to assume people enjoy you two together.”

“I know I do,” I say with a laugh. “I hope this doesn’t affect my grade.”

She thinks that over. “I can’t make that promise until your final paper is turned in. Though, maybe this project wasn’t to see how the start and end of a relationship can affect an influencer’s media, but rather, what happens when two people fall in love with all of social media watching?”

I know she’s giving me a suggestion for my final paper, and I appreciate it. She doesn’t want me to fail, and I’m learning that, just like Benson, I’m a fucking winner. Pride burns within me as a grin spreads across my mouth. I want not only to make myself proud, but I want to make Benson proud. While I’m super confident today, tomorrow will be different, I’m sure. But today, I’m feeling good, and I know it has to do with everything Benson is teaching me. To breathe, to believe in myself, to declutter my life, and gosh, to love.


