Cherished by A Highlander (Highland Revenge Trilogy #1) Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Historical Fiction, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Highland Revenge Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 92771 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

“I thought it was the way of things, that everyone saw as I did, the details of how a body worked and, in such unison, each part depending on the other part, intricate and precise. Until my grandmother realized I had inherited the skill. She explained to me that it was something I could discuss with her, but I was never to discuss it with anyone else. When I got older, she told me that if I knew without a doubt that I could trust the man I wed then I should confide in him but only after being wed for several years.”

That she trusted him with such a secret said much of what she thought about him, and it pleased him more than he would admit. “It is good to know you have such trust in me for I feel the same about you.”

That she could share such trust with a man had her thinking that he would make a fine husband, but was she wasting her thoughts on nothing more than a foolish dream?

“So, you saw the broken bone in Hollin’s leg?” he asked.

“With his leg so badly bruised and swollen, I expected to find a serious break but was pleased to find a minor one. I believe the bruising and swelling came from hitting the stone when he fell. My only worry is that if he does not give it a chance to heal and walks on it too soon, he will worsen it.” She smiled. “Though as petite as his wife is, I get the feeling she will see that he follows my advice.”

“From what you have told me about them, they are a strong, loving family. I am sure they will fare well,” Quint said, adjusting her clothing over her shoulder. She turned her head away as he did but not before he caught the worried look on her face. “What troubles you, Shade?”

“Are we trapped here? Does the archer wait for us?” she asked, turning to look at him, no longer able to avoid the obvious. “With the rain and wind, why would he take such a chance in firing an arrow that had the least chance of hitting its target?” Her brow scrunched. “What satisfaction would he get in killing you from afar? Wouldn’t he want to look the man in the face who killed his two brothers? Unless…” She stared at Quint as if a strange thought had struck her. “Could it be someone else who is trying to kill you? Have you earned the wrath of others?”

That had been his thought from the moment the arrow narrowly missed her. When he had followed the three men to make sure they released the lads they had taken captive, they had done so without hesitation. Then they had huddled in talk with the other two men who had been keeping watch over the lads. He had gotten the distinct feeling they had been talking about him and the thought that they were anxious to share the news of his presence in this area, perhaps for coins, crossed his mind. What presently crossed his mind was that if someone had tracked him, it would be known he was staying with the healer, putting Shade in danger.

“That was a foolish question,” Shade said. “You are a warrior. Of course, you have made enemies.”

“We are safe here,” he said, trying to reassure her.

“Are we?” She glanced around. “Here where men were brutally slaughtered?” The question fell from her lips without thinking. “Did you inscribe crosses made of blood and ash on the monks’ foreheads when you found them?”

The loud shattering of wood muffled his response and had them both jumping to their feet and Shade taking a step closer to Quint.

“I don’t think we’re alone anymore,” Shade said.


“Iam going with you,” Shade said after Quint announced she was to remain there while he went to see what caused the noise. “I am safer with you.”

“I can see the task done quicker and easier alone,” he insisted.

“And what if someone has broken into the abbey and he finds me before you find him?” Shade argued, having no intentions of remaining in the refectory alone. She also pointed out the obvious. “Besides, how will you ever find your way around the abbey when you have never been here before now? And what if you never find your way back to me?”

“I will always find my way back to you, Shade,” he said.

He spoke with such conviction that she actually believed him.

“Well, this time that won’t be necessary since I am going with you,” she said stubbornly.

Quint brought his face so close to hers that their noses touched. “Nay, you are not, and I will not hear another word about it. You will stay put and I will return to you.” He left her side and walked to the door, to him the matter settled. “And do not be foolish and follow me or you will make me angry, and you do not want to see me angry.”


