Cherished by A Highlander (Highland Revenge Trilogy #1) Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Historical Fiction, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Highland Revenge Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 92771 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

The Monk scowled and continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted, “Concerning Clan MacLeish warriors and the clan itself?”

“Aye, word spreads that he wants no harm to come to the clan or its people. Some believe it is a false claim, others insist it is true. It is good that Witley and Monty can confirm it since I wondered over it myself. Lord Torrance is not a forgiving man, and his sudden change confuses me. I fear he may have a more devious plan in store for Clan MacLeish than first planned.” Dru cringed, her hand rushing to her side.

“The fellow got you in the ribs?” The Monk asked, the thought of the hit she must have taken making him angry. When she nodded, he shook his head. “Brother Peter is larger than you, he could have defended himself.”

Dru laughed and cringed again, her hand returning to her side to gently touch it. “The man knows nothing about defending himself. One hit from his attacker and he was begging God to help him. So, I jumped in and helped.” She raised her hand before either of them could take her to task for making a remark that could get her in trouble especially with the cleric. “Brother Peter believes his prayer was answered that God sent me to help him.” She shrugged. “And maybe he did, who knows. I just couldn’t stand by and watch the frightened man get beaten to death. Besides, in the end Brother Peter conquered his fear and came to my aid. And I appreciate what he did.” Her eyes went to The Monk. “The attacker was a cruel one. He was one of Asher’s men.”

Quint paced outside Ena’s cottage. It was taking longer than he expected for his wife to tend to Dru and he worried something was seriously wrong with the petite woman. He was also eager to hear what she had learned about Asher and what one of his men was doing in the area and why he attacked a cleric. He wanted to hear from her what happened before he spoke with Brother Peter.

Shade had insisted she tend to Dru before he talked with her, and he didn’t argue. Dru looked exhausted and she was probably hungry. They could talk in his solar while she ate as soon as Shade finished with her.

The door opened and Shade stepped out, a smile appearing as soon as she saw him. He went to her and slipped his cloak off to drape around her, dusk drawing near and bringing with it a cold night.

“How is she? You took so long I worried something was seriously wrong,” he said as he walked with her to a bench a short distance from the cottage. She looked tired and it was no wonder, spending most of her time tending to the wounded or ill. He would be glad when this was all done, and they could return to her cottage and have time together just the two of them.

“She is not happy with me. I insisted she wash and rid herself of that horrible stench so that I could tend to her properly. Ena agreed and with endless cajoling we got her to partially agree. It took longer to get her a bit cleaned than it did to examine her. Though it did serve another purpose. I was able to take my time and look inside her to make sure I didn’t miss anything. With the way she lives, she is surprisingly well. Her bruises and wounds will heal, and none will pose any problem. Her ribs are not broken, thank goodness, though they are bruised a bit so she will continue to be in pain until they heal and for them to heal, she needs to rest. And I fear that poses the biggest problem. I don’t believe she will listen to me and rest.”

“Dru listens to no one and for whatever reason she is the way she is, I have come to respect her ways. One thing you should know about Dru, she is far more intelligent than she lets anyone know. If you tell her she needs to rest to get better, believe me, it will not fall on deaf ears.”

Shade squeezed his hand. He had taken firm hold of it after slipping the cloak on her. She loved that they often held hands. It was as if neither of them ever wanted to let go of the other.

“I am pleased to hear that, and I am glad she has a good friend in you.”

“I need to speak with her. Food and drink wait in the solar for her.”

“She is hungry, complaining about it to Ena and me endlessly. As long as she seeks her bed once you are done, I see no problem with it. Besides, I am eager to hear what she has learned.”


