Charlie’s Doctor (Shadow Elite #1) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Crime, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Shadow Elite Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 84085 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 420(@200wpm)___ 336(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

Lorenzo Perez was a small fish in terms of the people they’d taken down in the past, but that didn’t mean it didn’t feel good to see him stopped. The people of Argentina suffered under the military dictatorship, and while everyone wanted to move on and be happy, it was important to never forget what had happened. That was just a direct route to it happening all over again.

“Everything good?” Charlie asked from his seat directly across from him.

Kairo lifted his beer and smiled. “We’re all good. Appears the Perez boys have got their hands full managing the mess we created. I don’t expect them to come searching for us. It’s way too late for that now.”

Will paused, a forkful of steak halfway to his mouth, when he glanced over at Kairo. “What about Catalina Perez? Has she emailed Charlie?”

Kairo’s heart ached a little as he shook his head. “Nothing yet.”

Charlie reached over and placed a hand on Will’s slumped shoulder. “Honestly, I’m not expecting her to. She’s pissed at her husband and son for what they’ve done to Argentina and to her. She wants to stand and watch them burn.”

“Besides, if she suddenly disappears from the country, they could use it to shove all this back under the rug,” Kairo pointed out.

“But if she does happen to reach out and need help escaping, we’ll be right there for her,” Ed interjected. “She helped us. We’re not gonna leave her stranded.”

Will nodded, looking a little more settled, even if some of the sadness and worry lingered in his eyes. Was there a chance that Lorenzo would have his wife killed over this? Yeah, a pretty good chance. But if Catalina wanted to face her husband head on, who were they to get in the way of what she wanted?

Kairo swallowed the rest of his beer and placed an order for another when the server returned to check on them. He usually wasn’t a big drinker, but they were celebrating closing two mysteries and reuniting Will with Charlie. If that wasn’t a reason to get completely shit-faced, he didn’t know what would be.

Relaxing in his chair, he just smiled at the man who had been his boss for more than a decade now. Sure, since parting ways with the Company, they’d agreed they were equal members of the team, but deep down, they all still knew that Charlie was their fearless leader. He was the one they all turned to for answers when a plan went to hell or they were low on ideas of what to do next. Charlie Sands just had that confident leader aura around him. People wanted to follow him. And it didn’t hurt that he usually had damn good ideas.

But since Charlie had been forced to walk away from Will, it was as though a large chunk of the man’s soul had been missing. He’d gone through the motions for years—partied, drank, and slept with plenty of willing people—but it wasn’t until Kairo spotted Charlie looking at Will that he noticed the light was back in his eyes. He was lit inside by pure love for this man, and maybe Kairo was just a tiny bit envious.

Who didn’t want to find love like that?

It was why none of them had felt any anger when Charlie stated that he was willing to leave the team for Will. The doc made Charlie happier than any of them ever could. There was no way in hell any of them would stand in the way of his happiness.

But Kairo wasn’t going to deny that he was happy that Will was joining them. Not only would the man make their oldest friend happy, but he’d probably help to temper some of Charlie’s crazier impulses. There was no sense in being utterly reckless when you had a hot doctor waiting for you to come home.

“What’s next for everyone?” Will inquired when the conversation had fallen quiet. He leaned over into Charlie, his head partially resting on his lover’s shoulder. “Charlie says we’re escaping to an island, but he won’t tell me which one.”

“Knowing Charlie, it’s probably Alcatraz,” West called out with a smirk.

“Hey!” Charlie snapped, pointing a finger at the sniper. “Don’t ruin the surprise.”

Will snorted and elbowed Charlie. “Idiot. As long as it has a beach, I don’t care.”

“Home to North Carolina for me,” Edison announced. “Thought I’d get a little of my sister’s home cooking and a couple of weeks of PT. I’ve got a friend who’s a licensed therapist who can help get this shoulder back in shape.” He lightly lifted his left arm, which was still in a sling.

Will sat up, his expression turning serious. “Definitely get an MRI while you’re in town. Get an orthopedic surgeon to look you over to make sure I didn’t miss anything.”

Ed winked at him. “No worries, Doc Will. I’ll be good. You just keep an eye on that one.” He finished with a jerk of his chin to Charlie.


