Cash Read Online Jessica Gadziala (Henchmen MC #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Biker, Crime, Dark, Erotic, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 68
Estimated words: 77598 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 388(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

“Oh... yeah,” he said confidently as his hand moved down over my chest. Even under endless layers of gauze (seriously, he never wanted anyone to even see a hint of tit), my nipples hardened as his hand kept moving downward. He paused for the barest of seconds, watching my face, enjoying my reaction, before his hand moved between my thighs and cupped my sex. “Bet every gun at the compound that your pussy is already drenched.”

“You'd win that bet,” I said with a smile, moving my hips slightly against his palm, ignoring the stab of pain up my back.

His fingers crooked inward and pressed against my clit, making a surprised moan escape my lips. “Best fucking pussy I've ever...”

“Seriously?” Mike's voice called from the other room, making me straighten. Cash just smiled, pressing into my clit again, taking a sick kind of pleasure at the half-shocked, half-aroused look on my face. “She shouldn't be up walking without pain meds,” Mike scolded, his voice getting closer.

“Should I tell him about our new little version of pain management?” Cash asked with a devilish smile as he stroked over my clit again, making a soft whimper escape my lips. “Nah,” he said as Mike's feet stopped just outside the door, “let's keep this between the two of us, yeah?” he asked, moving his hand from between my thighs to under my arm. “Keep your panties on. She had to pee for chrissakes.”

Oh my god.

If I was capable of blushing, I'd have been beet red right that minute. Cash swung the door open and Mike went from annoyed to concerned in a blink, offering me his other arm which made the process, admittedly, less painful on the way back to the bed where I was planted, handed two pain pills, then pushed back onto my belly which got a loud grumble from me.

“What?” Cash asked as Mike walked out.

“So you know my tits?” I asked, looking at him. It was literally all I could do in that position.

“You mean my top two favorite parts of your body?” he asked, biting slightly into his lower lip, making me wonder if it was on purpose or subconscious. Either way, it sent another rush of desire through my system, making me all the more grumpy because there was nothing that could be done about that in this position either.

“Top two?” I asked, unable to help myself.

“Tits, smile, cunt, eyes, ass,” he answered on a shrug.

Well, then.

“So, being your top two favorite parts of my body,” I repeated with a smile, “I'm sure it hasn't exactly escaped your notice that they are on the...”

“That they're way more than a fucking handful?” he asked, with a full smile.

“I was going to say on the large side, but yeah, essentially. So... lying on them like this... not fucking comfortable in the least.”

“No?” he asked, standing suddenly and reaching for me. Too surprised (and drugged) to react, I simply sat back on my ankles like he was pushing me to do and watched as he slipped into the hospital bed where my head had been lying a moment before. He reached for the remote to the bed and messed with it until it curved upward, putting him in an almost upright position, before he reached out for me and pulled me against his chest, his hands wrapping around my ass and holding me to him. “How's this then?” he asked and his voice sounded husky. It also didn't escape my notice that he was hard beneath me.

“Mmmhmm,” I murmured, too satisfied to manage anything else.

“Know what else is good about this position?” he asked.

“What?” I asked, burying my face in his neck and breathing him in- the slightest hint of the soap we stocked at Hailstorm, but mostly, just him.

“This,” he said, rocking his hips beneath me, letting his cock stroke up my cleft. Maybe I should have objected, should have told him to save it for a time when I could ensure a satisfying end for him as well, but, well... I was the one with her back torn open and he had unfairly gotten my engine running in the bathroom so... he owed me.

It didn't take long. I was feeling good from the meds and I was soaked from his hand playing with my clit. His cock maybe hit my clit five or six times before the orgasm ripped its way through my body, making me cry out against his neck as one of his hands moved to the back of my neck and pushed me closer to him.

“Never get fuckin' tired of hearing you come,” he said quietly, his fingers stroking my hair and I should have pushed him away because it was dirty and greasy from not being washed, but it felt too good and before too long, I was fast asleep and couldn't care less about things like greasy hair.

Aside from short breaks for me or him to hit the bathroom, that was the position we stayed in for three days. Some of the time, I slept. Some of the time, we both slept. A lot of the time, we talked- about my past with Damian, about how I decided to build Hailstorm, about his past in the MC, funny stories about stupid shit he had pulled when he was younger.

He held my arms reassuringly when Mike came in and unwrapped me and tended to my wounds, then helped balance my weight off the side of the bed when I finally insisted it was time to wash my hair and Aggie, one of the girls who worked in skips, came in to do it with a bucket over the side of the bed. I took whore's baths when Cash left me alone in the bathroom and had started to feel reasonably more human by the third morning.

I was also absolutely, one-hundred percent certain on that third morning that I was completely, overwhelmingly, irrationally... in love with him.

“Hey, ah, Cash,” Mike came in, looking almost sheepish, with an odd smile.


