Caressed by Sin – Love, Death, and Magic Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 78259 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 391(@200wpm)___ 313(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

Additionally, Adae was a legend. There were stories of how he’d captured dragons with just his bare hands. No magic. Others claimed he’d destroyed villages full of strong witches with just a few words.


Killing Adae is not an option.

Azar confirmed my thoughts with his next words. “I doubt we could kill him.”

“We can't because he's strong—”

“And a fallen angel.”

Stunned, I stepped back. “What?”

“Lucifer paid us a visit and let that information slip—”

“The devil—”

“Some call him that, but he prefers Lucifer—”

“H-he just came here—”

“Yes. Lilith wasn't happy about my murdering Ferkos.”

My heart ached. Not only had Azar killed a long-term friend in my honor, he also angered the Lucifer and Lilith.

“Don't be afraid, Fatou.” Azar walked over, but didn't reach his hands out to touch me. “However, my recent actions have now presented several problems.”

“What problems?”

“Lucifer will want a good deed.”

“What does that mean?”

“Some sort of grand gesture or evil tribute.”

I eyed him. “Why do I think there is more to what you're saying?”

“I wanted a future with you, even. . .children.”

More shock washed over me.

“But. . .” He raised his hand and tried to touch my ear.

I caught it and squeezed those big fingers. “What?”

“I think getting your daughter back due to my sacrifice may be as close to a happy ending as we can get.”

“That would be walking toward your death. I think Adae wants you dead.”

“He does. Lucifer mentioned that Adae is trying to get God's attention by killing off Lucifer's soldiers.”

I still couldn't get over the fact that Adae was a fallen angel. And although it was a big missing puzzle piece, it still didn't answer all my thoughts.

How did my daughter and I fit into Adae's grand scheme?

Azar spoke, “I stayed up most of the night trying to figure out a good solution to get your daughter back and please Lucifer.”

“Sacrificing yourself wouldn't be the solution.”

“It would get your daughter back, and if Adae didn't kill me, then at least Lucifer would track me to Adae. I get the feeling that Adae can shield himself from Lucifer.”

I shook my head. “You're not sacrificing yourself—”

“I am.” He gave me a sad smile. “So, let's spend these last moments together on the beach, making love. Then, you take me to Adae like you intended from the very beginning.”

“I don't want to do that.”

“Why not?”

“Things are different.”


“You know how?”

“You're falling in love with me, as much as I am falling in love with you?”

My heart boomed in my ears.

A huge smile spread across his face, and I was seized by the urge to kiss his full lips. “This makes me happy.”

“Azar. . .”

“I love you, Fatou.”

I looked away, not ready to tell him the words that had risen within my soul. Part of me remembered that I'd believed a vampire when he'd said those same words. And that vampire betrayed me—leaving my daughter and me to deal with his debts.

But the other part. . .it glowed with passion and desire, yearning to confess my love for him.

“I don't need you to say it, Fatou.” He closed the small distance between us. “I can feel the love radiating off you.”

I shook my head and refused to look his way. Instead of focusing on the emotion spinning around in my heart, I directed my attention to the main problem.

I can't let him sacrifice his life for my daughter.

It would be an easy solution, but it would break my heart.

Then it came to me, like lightening striking a tree in a thunderstorm.

I lifted my view to him. “I know Adae’s cell system like the back of my hand.”

I’d caught hundreds of lower incubus demons in the past years. Some were only a week old, starving for energy after giving up their humanity for immortality. I’d watched the sorcerers lock the young demons away as I followed them in and out the cell system with no problem.

“I could easily get us into the cells. I have a friend who could help.” I bit the side of my lip and gazed at a sea gull as it landed on the sand near us. “I’ve considered grabbing Jade and escaping many times before, but I couldn’t figure out how to handle the guards if they caught me. I could bite one, maybe get a few with my needles, but not all the others.”

“I could kill them all,” Azar said matter-of-factly. “Unless things have changed drastically in the past five years, the guards are no match for me.”

“Then, we can—”

“But, I can't beat Adae—”

“My friend will get us away before Adae comes after us—”

“Who is this friend?”

“A fellow hunter. I've worked with him a few times and—”

“Was he ever your lover?”

“Azar, can we focus on the actual plan—”

“Was he?”


“And how can he sneak us in?”

“You let me figure that out. Just promise that you'll follow my plan, instead of yours.”


